CHAPTER THIRTY EIGHT: Drowning Hopes And Fighting Lives II

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Fighting Lives And Drowning Hopes II

Ella Davis


It's the place where most of the lives are saved. The place where miracles happen. It is the place where people expect miracles to happen, if they do. But it is also the place, where people lose lives.

These lives, that humanity loses, the souls that go to heaven or might go to hell, leave the world behind. They live a life they will remember. They leave the world behind. It is said that they become stars, up in the sky. They look down at their beloved, they look out for they love.

I don't know if Diana did that job very well.

In the mirror hung on the wall of the washroom, I saw my face. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't expecting what I saw. A face tear stained, eyes red and puffy. Lips trembling, hair a messy bundle.

I could cry any moment, but I've been shedding tears all day, seems like my gland finally failed.

They say I am the worst, but we're all in the same phase, just different levels, dealing with the same hell just different devils.

They say I feel the worst. And I won't lie, I do feel the worst, but we're all at the worst. Jake meant the world to me, but he also meant a friend to the girls and Carl and Shawn. A brother to Jack and Myra. And a brother from another mother to Aiden.

We're all broke the same.

They think I hadn't seen. The guilt in Aiden's eyes for hating on Jake for long, for taking me away. I do not blame him, he was desperate with revenge for Diana's death. He wanted revenge.

The feelings I couldn't identify within Myra and Jack's hazel eyes, I swear the whole family carries that trait. They have been separated from Jake for so long. Then it hit me, the feeling in their eyes, it was longing.

The quietness that was held tight by the group, told how devastated they were. Shawn had been holding Kate as she cried. Shawn hadn't tried to hide, he cried too. Carl had been holding me, his eyes were trying to not let any fluid escape, but I told him it was okay to cry. Leah was just as devastated, she was the closest to Jake among the girls, myself excluded. She was his best girl space friend.

As I said, We're all broken the same. We're all at our worst, only, our worst's vary.

Have a heart, have a heart, have a heart...

I answered the call, though I know I wouldn't be able to get one syllable out of my voice with breaking into tears. "Hey," he said, his voice soft and strained. His drained and cried out voice was noticeable. I did not say anything, he was already having to deal with Jake's condition, I wouldn't bulk on him. If I talk, I cry.

He did not hang up, I know my breathing was heart across the line, "you're okay?" I nodded, even though he couldn't see me, I wouldn't talk. I wouldn't cry, I've done that enough already.

I was about to hang up when I heard silence on the other side, but he spoke, "El," he sighed, "Be here."

"I am," I whispered, as an assurance, that even I wasn't much assured about. I could imagine the slight twitch of his lips, "good. But be here, it's the doctor, he came out," he said, as Ella's breath hitched.

"He's okay, right?"

"We haven't heard anything, we've been waiting for you. Be here."

I hung up the phone as I let the words sink into vocabulary. This was the time I'd know. I rushed to the long white hallway, where before a door, stood the rest of my family. Over the years, these people have been no less than family to me. Shawn is like the brother from another mother for me. Leah, Kate and Claire are like the sisters I never had.

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