CHAPTER FOURTEEN: This Is What We Call "A Hell Of A Day!"

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Jake Ryder

“This is all your fault!” I accused. Of course! It was.

“Why?” he asked right away, of course, confusion was evident. “You’re going on a trip and that’s a good thing!” he smiled.

“Oh, no no no! Correction over here! I’m being forced to go on this shit trip and that’s a bad thing!” I yelled, shaking my head in disapproval.

“Why are you acting such an ass?” Carl asked.

“Not the point!” I stated avoiding the answer. I mean, C’mon! Here I am trying to avoid her, keep my distance from her and they’re setting me up on this trip with no one but her? Alone? Are you kidding me? “You shouldn’t have recommended my name!” I said as I threw some of my cloths in the bag.

“You were the only choice left!” Carl stated the obvious fact.

“How old is she again? Sixteen?” I retorted. “She could go on her own, anytime!”

“Really now? You? You out of all the people would let her all by herself in a place that’s a total stranger to her?”

“What do you mean?”

“Not the point!”  He lowered himself on the bean bag from across where I was darting cloths in my bag. “Anyway, why do you think this argument would spare you the trip?” Carl said as he shot another paper ball into the bin. It went in.

“You know, I could really use some help right now?” I said but then I thought for a second. Hell no! How much of a good thing it would be if they just left! No more drama, no arguments.

“So, what-”

“Actually no! I’ll do it myself.” I held my hand up as to stop them from doing anything. “You guys can leave.” I said and waved my hand towards the door gesturing them to leave.

They rolled their eyes. “As you wish.” They said and walked out.

I sighed. And then continued to throw stuff in the bag.


Shawn David

(Two hours later)

I slid my arms right round her waist. Her skin felt as though it burnt. She leaned her head back in the crook of my neck as her fragile back pressed against my front body. I tightened my grip round her waist, hooking my arms around it, feeling the warmth, hoping the electric impulses would stop. In an abrupt movement she placed her hands on my knotted ones, they burnt.

They were too soft, too fragile, that at one point I feared I might break them. The heat her soft skin emitted out to me travelled high up to my entire body. Her head still rested in the crook of my neck, her soft hair pressed against my skin, smelling strawberry. Her eyes were closed, in peace as she let out a soft almost inaudible moan.

She clenched her hands upon mine as she tried to unhook them. She tried multiple attempts but none did I allow to succeed. “Shawn.” She said, her voice barely audible, still trying to unhook my fingers. Her long nails started digging through the skin of my hand. I loosened my grip, allowing her to escape.

She held my hand entirely into hers and turned around. Her soft hair lightly slapping my face, smelled strawberry. As her flawless face came into vision clearing the blur from my eyes, she looked at me with those undying chocolate pools of hers.

She let go of my hand and gripped the collar of my shirt. She culled me close towards her which made me abruptly bump into her. Her eyes looked greedy, more like hungry. In an instant moment of time she pulled me closer and pressed her lips onto mine. The heat as usual initiated and travelled down my systems. It felt as though they’d stop working any moment now.

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