CHAPTER SIX: Road trip? Are You Serious?

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Shawn David

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

"Go away!"

I shooed away Carl’s hand from on top of my shoulder, bragging me. Yea, it was Carl, I knew it was him. I hardly doubted that. I didn’t need to open my eyes to identify the person. You could just say that I’ve become used to it by now.

"C’mon man! What the hell. You know you’re giving your eyes a real hard time cuz when you let yourself out into some sunlight; your pupils are going to dialate. Real hard."

"That doesn’t even make any sense. Just go!" I yelled.

Before he could deliver another word, I spoke, "And whatever you’re up to, I’m not going to be a part of it. Shut the door while you leave!" I ordered and retained my initial position on the bed.

Honestly, I was dismal by now. I was tired and well…I was scared. I was aghast because I knew, if Kate was to be standing anywhere in my vision’s range, I’d panic. I knew I’d fall short of words. So I just covered the least possible chance of caching a glimpse of Kate. I closed my eyes. I was patient to hear the door shut signifying Carl’s exit from the room. But the satisfying sound never came. I peeked opened my eyes to ensure if Carl was still in the room or had he forgotten to shut the door on his way out.

"Are you done?" came a sound from the other side of the bed, the side that my back faced. With that, down went the hope of me being left alone and Carl’s exit from the room. I didn’t really want to hear these words, just the sound of the door being shut. Carl was still standing there. He started to tap his foot down to the floor.

"Are you done with this drama of yours?"

"What’s the issue with you? Why can’t you just let me be?" I rose up my head that was buried in the cozy, relax- able pillow, suddenly.

"I already tried that. Look where it got you. You’ve been in here for like…days now!"

"So what? It’s no biggie!"

"You’re bunking work!"

"Stop worrying and just leave!"

"But –"

"LEAVE!" I cut him off.

I waited for him to turn his back towards me, when he did; I again retained my previous position. I was relaxed for Carl was finally leaving. When I was this close to have my sleep back, it was ruined. Carl yanked off the sheets from on top of me rendering me lying face down, shirtless with the only clothing over my entire body, that was, my boxers, which saved me half of the embarrassment. The other half was yet to come.

"What the-’

"Crawl out of there if you don’t wanna see yourself drown in the pool of embarrassment!" he cut me off.

"What?" I looked at him, confused. However the confusion remained only until my eyes caught Carl’s cell phone, raised up to quite a height that displayed images of me in my previous position, you know- face down, shirtless, showing off my ass in my blue boxers.

"Guess what happens when I post them on facebook or even better, tweet them?"

"You won’t be doing that. You can’t!"

"Sure as hell I can! Wanna watch the process?"

Carl was this close to click the ‘post’ option on the screen. I had to give in.

"What do you want?" I gave in. Carl stopped his clicking process and looked at me.

"Get your ass out of that bed before you see images of your blue ass posted and tweeted all over."

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