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          Roo woke up seeing she was next to Alex she bit her lip remembering what had happened she slowly got out of the bunk grabbing her clothes slipping them back on grabbing her jacket pulling it on looking down at him one last time she bent down kissing his cheek softly as she backed out of the bunk area quietly opening the door turning around closing it she walked down the hall trying to not trip over anything not wanting to wake anyone up once she got to the front she noticed Jack sitting up with his phone on his ear she could slightly hear a British accent with how loud his phone was he glanced up at Roo with hurt in his eyes but he didn’t say anything.

‘I assume you’re Shay’s ex boyfriend I over herd your voicemail while she was listening to it, you’re the one who fucked it up she’s moved on you should to, I’m not sure what happened between the both of you or what was said but she was upset all night last night, just stop calling her.’

Jack sighed heavily throwing his phone watching it bounce onto the floor.

“Where are you going?”

Roo stopped turning her head biting her lip, “I have to get back Jack, please don’t tell him?”

“I’m his best friend Roo.”

“Please Jack? Please don’t tell him he won’t remember when he wakes up.”

Jack sighed a little shrugging, “Fine I won’t tell him I have other shit to worry about anyway.” He said.

Roo sighed in relief, “Thank you Jack” she opened the door to the bus stepping out into the cold she shivered a little standing there waiting for the taxi, the person soon pulled up she smiled getting in looking back at the bus one last time before she looked at the cab driver telling him where to go he nods slowly driving away.

                   Shay was standing in the kitchen leaning against the counter with Nick’s arms around her waist his lips had soon touched hers she smiled into it wrapping her arms around his neck kissing him back just as they both herd the front door open they pulled apart, Roo walked into the kitchen her hair a mess as she grabbed some juice from the fridge.

“Messy hair, coming in early..” Shay’s eyes went big. “Are you and Alex back together?” she asked.

“No I shouldn’t have stayed”

Shay raised an eye brow, “Why? What happened?”

“I slept with him” Roo said biting her lower lip looking down. “I shouldn’t have.” She mumbled.

Shay’s eyes went big, “Oh wow, was he awake when you left?”

“No but Jack was, I told him not to tell Alex I was there.”

Shay bit her lip hearing his name, “H- how is Jack?”

“Well he threw his phone.”  Roo said leaning against the counter.

Shay sighed a little burying her face into Nick’s chest, “Maybe that voicemail was too much..” she looked up at Nick sighing then glanced at Roo, “How are you? I mean with what happened last night do we need one of our girls nights?”

“I feel like crying, and yeah we do.” She said looking at the floor. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt this whorish.”

Shay sighed a little, “It’s okay to cry, I did last night, but we’ll go to the store and stalk up on ice cream and junk food for tonight.” She smiled weakly.

“You know I almost never cry, last night at the show it just happened.” Roo bit her bottom lip. “Before Travis left yesterday he asked me out, I didn’t give him an answer I mean we have been best friends since we were babies but I don’t know, what should I do?”  Roo asked sighing looking up at Shay.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2013 ⏰

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