Right where you want me

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Alex rolled onto his back feeling someone beside him he opened his eyes to see Roo lying down sound asleep, a smile spread across his lips as he kissed her gently on the lips a few times trying to get her to wake up, she soon started to respond kissing back, he pulled back looking into her eyes smiling.

“Good morning”

Roo smiled, “I usually don’t wake up like this for people, you better feel lucky and good morning” she said grinning.

Alex laughed, “I do feel lucky” He said moving some hair that was stuck to her forehead back to the side smiling kissing her softly again, “Come on lets go downstairs for breakfast”

“No more sleep”

Alex laughed, “But Roo, I’m hungry”

“I don’t want to get out of bed”

“Won’t your parent’s be home later?”  Alex asked looking down in her eyes.

“In three hours”

Alex sighed brushing his lips against her bare shoulder, “Please Roo?” he whined hearing his phone go off grumbling rolling over to see who has all text seeing 50 texts from Lisa and nearly 70 missed calls, “Remind me to change my number” he mumbled throwing his phone back on the floor.

“Because that’s going to stop her” she said sighing. “I’m sorry but your ex is kind of psycho” she said.

Alex sighed hovering over her, “I know, but I want you not her” he said. “Can we please go downstairs?” he asked.

“What’s the reason?”

Alex wiggled his eye brows, “The reason for what?” he asked. “Wanting you? Or going downstairs?” he asked.

“No, why do you want me?” She asked. “I know why you want to go downstairs, you want food.” Roo said.

Alex sighed a little nuzzling his nose into the crook of her neck, “Because I really like you, it’s one of the main reasons I broke up with Lisa” He caressed his thumb over her shoulder sighing, “And you drive me crazy” he mumbled into her ear.

“Did you just go all cliché on me?”

Alex laughed, “I think I did, see that’s what happens when I’m hungry”

“You should be hungry more often”

Alex whimpered, “Please Roo? Can we get Waffles?”

“Well why didn’t you just say waffles?”

Alex grumbled, “You’re mean.” He said rolling off the bed throwing on his boxers on and jeans on. “But now I know how to get you up.” He said.

“I hear a threat in that statement”

Alex stared at her shaking his head, “No threat, please Roo?” he whined throwing her, her pajamas.

“My warmth! It has left me!” Roo whines grabbing the covers rolling around on the bed.

Alex grinned, “That it has, your warmth is hungry and will be downstairs” he said heading toward the door to see what she would do.

Roo’s eyes went wide jumping out of the bed, “No! please don’t leave without me” she whimpered jumping onto his back.

“Is waffles more important than round 2?”

Alex wiggled his eye brows, “I’m not going to fall for that tease” he said opening the door walking out of the hallway seeing if she would try anything suddenly feeling her kiss him behind the ear, he grumbled slightly.

“Roo” He mumbled. “Stop” he added.

Roo sighed jumping off, “Fine” she closed the bedroom door.

Alex raised an eye brow and knocked on the door, “Roo? Please come out”


Alex grumbled, “FINE MORE WAFFLES FOR ME!” he darted downstairs grinning.

“It was unlocked rere”

Alex smirked, “Not a RERE!”

Roo ran out of the room jumping on his back fully dressed now, “NOT MY WAFFLES!”

            Shay was sitting on the counter, Jack in front of her his hands rested on her bare legs, she was in one of his shirts, his forehead was pressed against hers as they waited for the poptarts to pop out of the toaster he smiled pressing his lips against hers hearing someone walking down the stairs they both looked up.

“I see sex hair” Jack said with a grin.

Roo grinned jumping on Alex’s back, Jack raised an eye brow and shook his head.

“Someone got some, it’s about time too Lisa hardly ever gave him any.” Jack laughed seeing the look Alex was giving him.

“That actually explains a lot”

Jack laughed, “I think that was enough details” He said kissing Shay’s cheek grinning slightly, “But Shay and I are now officially together” he said.

“Are you sure you want to be part of this family?” Roo asked.

Jack laughed, “Hey I’m just as crazy, I think I’d fit right in”

“You poor naive thing.”

Alex laughed, Jack grinned shrugging his shoulder taking out a poptart once it popped up taking a bite out of it grinning. “You know Alex we have a house to clean up, Shay and I came here this morning and it’s a mess.” Alex grumbled.

“No! round 2 you promised!”

Jack laughed hearing this, Shay smiled. “Shall we leave them with their little argument?” Jack grinned nodding his head picking her up off the counter carrying her into the living room.

Alex glared, “No I didn’t.” he said.

“Are you turning down sex? What kind of guy are you?”

Alex rolled his eyes and laughed a little, “Haha very funny, I’m only hungry now on a full stomach I wouldn’t have turned that down.” He said grinning.

“Get your waffles, I’ll be upstairs.”

Alex wiggled his eyebrows watching her walk upstairs.

            Cameron was walking down the ladder grinning over at Roo and laughed, “I herd someone in Roo’s room last night getting their freak on” He said.

“Yeah, a panther found its way into my room, I named it anus and did it sound like two dinasours?.”

Cameron busted out laughing, “Really, you two are horrible.  Just horrible.” He shook his head.

“Jack and Shay never made it to her room.” Cam wrinkled his nose. “Thank God because I was sleeping in there, I don’t think I want to know where they did it at.” He said.

“I’m pretty sure everywhere by now”

Cam grumbled,  “Should I cover my eyes as I get downstairs?” he asked.

“I don’t hear anything, so they might be just making out but I would just incase.” She yawned walking into her room.

“You two are horrible! We tried, but Ian and I failed at taking care of both of you.” He said shaking his head in shame.

“Some adopted brothers you are”

“But you love me”

“That I do, now to go get Shay out of trouble if I’m not to late.” Cam cried as he walked downstairs looking around finding them on the couch cuddling next to one another.

“She’s already gone bro, nothing you can do.” Roo shook her head.

Cameron put his head down in shame, Shay looked over and laughed at Cam a little nuzzling her face back onto his chest sighing knowing this was going to be a long day.

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