Christmas part 2

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“Shay bear” Jack bounced on the bed hovering over her.

“Jack” Shay whined. “Five more minutes” she mumbled into her pillow.

“But its Christmas morning” he nuzzled his nose into the crook of her neck, Shay grumbled a little bit shaking her head into the pillow. “Give me five minutes, you have my permission to wake Roo and Alex up, but promise you’ll wake them up and be loud as you do so.”

Shay felt him grin, “I can do louder” he mumbled kissing her cheek lightly jumping out of the bed slowly creeping across the floor opening the ladder climbing down grinning evilly as he stood in front of Roo’s bedroom door, he jiggled the knob and as it opened he jumped straight for their bed.

“GET UP! IT’S CHRISTMAS!” Jack yelled.

Alex grumbled, “Only you would do this” he mumbled sleepily, Roo groaned into the pillow jumping out of bed nearly attacking Jack onto the floor he smirked.

“I don’t think Shay would like this” he said with a smirk.

roo looked at her clock and it read 7:34 am "you better have a good reason for waking me up Barakat or I will murder you right here and now."

"dude she hates being woken up."

"she wakes up for you!"

"its not easy, I have to bribe her." alex said as roo crawled back under the covers and snuggled into his side. he moved his arm so that it was under her head

"come on get up!" jack whined

"no, nothing is getting me out of this bed."

"its christmas morning and its snowing." roo jumped up on her bed and posed

"to the basement!" was all she said and ran out of her room to wake her brother up.

Jack wiggled his eye brows, “Well I suppose I should have mentioned snow in the first place.” He mumbled, Alex grumbled burying his head into the pillow as he turned onto his stomach.

            Everyone was finally in the living room around the Christmas tree exchanging gifts we were down to the last gifts, Roo and Shay stared at each other hoping that something else would happen just to have one more gift for the boys, Shay had given Jack a signed copy of Home Alone the Director and Macaulay Culkin, her brother had helped her get it as Jack opened it his eyes went wide jumping up attacking Shay with kisses.

“Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!” He kissed her lips, “How did you get this?”

Shay smirked, “I have connections” He hugged her tightly grinning.

Jack smiled pulling something out of his pocket handing it to Shay, “Open it”

Shay smiled biting her lip opening the small box to see a Necklace inside, but it was a Gibson Guitar pick on the string, he took it out smiling moving her hair aside putting it around her neck clipping it on kissing her cheek, “Merry Christmas” he whispered softly into her ear, Shay smiled kissing him softly on the lips mumbling a ‘I love it’ he grinned kissing her back a few seconds before pulling back.

            “I wanted to give you something special, something you can cherish forever.” Alex said biting his lip handing her a small box she took it from him umwrapping it to reveal a small box she raised an eye brow looking at him a second a little confused, he smiled taking the box from her opening it up taking out the gift, he took her hand pulling her close.

“First before I give you what was inside.. I need to ask you something.”

Roo stared blankly at him, “Will you be my girlfriend?”

Roo stared at him with a grin across her face nodding, “Yes!” He smirked sliding the ring on her finger; it had their birthstones on it along with their names engraved onto it along with something else.

‘I’ll never leave’

            “Your gift makes mine feel insignificant”

Alex wiggled his eye brows staring at her, “I know it may have been a little too much but I wanted to give you something special.” He said with a smile.

“And how much was it?”

Alex smirked, “That’s for me to know” he pecked her lips softly.

“One of these days I’m just going to up and suffocate you.” Roo said with a smile. “I’m kidding.” She added.

Alex laughed grinning, “You better be, but I know you’ll never hurt me. You love me too much.” He said.

“You keep telling yourself that.” Roo said with a smile. “but anyway! Here’s yours, not much.” She said with a shrug handing him his present.

Alex smirked opening it and unfolded the present grinning seeing it was Blink 182, “Not much hey?” he smirked. “I love it.” He said pecking her lips a few times.

“It’s just a signed hoodie”

Jack laughed, “If it’s anything to do with Blink 182 he’s happy, even their autographs.” He said grinning, Alex smirked. “Yep! So I love it” he laughed a little kissing her cheek just as Josh’s phone started to ring.

Josh got off the phone moments later staring at Roo and Shay the girls exchanged looks, looking back at their brother.


“They are”


Josh nods, Roo and Shay grinned looking over at the boys, “By the way that wasn’t all of your gifts.” Shay announced.

Alex and Jack exchanged looks, “YOU GOT SIGNED!” they sang together.

Alex stared blankly at her, “What do you mean?”

“I MEAN YOU GOT A RECORD DEAL!” Roo smirked, Jack stood there staring blankly at us but then his eyes went wide. “ MERRY CHRISTMAS!” The girls sang happily.

Alex and Jack ran up to the girls attacking them with hugs and kisses, “Do you have any fucking idea how hard we’ve been trying to get this to happen?” Alex asked grinning. “How the hell did you two pull it off?”

“We have connections!” Shay and Roo said together.

“Josh if you please” Roo smiled.

“Roo and Shay talked to me about your band, that’s why they had dragged me to watch you guys play, I work for hopeless records they loved your music and they want you guys to go to the office after the holidays is over to sign papers.” He said.

“And if you want I have a job waiting for me there so I can help on your album, if you want me, and Shay will be there every step of the way.”

Alex smirked, “Well, I can’t say no to that offer” he pulled her in for a hug smiling, Jack grinned nuzzling his nose into the crook of Shay’s neck, “I think we should celebrate with alcohol.” He said outloud.

“Shh parent’s are here.” She said.

Jack grumbled, “So? We can sneak it.” He mumbled.

“Let’s get fucked up!”

“Now we’re talking! My house!” Alex said jumping up as Jack and Shay followed them out of the house the door closing behind them.

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