Would you rather

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The pizza was on the table in the Gaskarth’s dining room everyone was in the room Shay was leaning against the counter as Jack goofed off with Alex Roo and Shay stared at each other with the same facial expressions on their faces but shrugged it off smiling a little, but she knew Roo was still annoyed with Alex.

“Okay, we’re all going to play the would you rather game. But add a twist” Alex walked over to the cabinet taking out a bottle of liquor grinning as he sit it on the table taking out some red cups placing each one on the table.

“Whoever chickens out on answering the questions has to drink some of this”

“Bring it, Shay and I can hold down the liquor and we’re actually very open just a warning on you boys.” Roo smirked glancing over at Alex, he had a grin across his face as he poured the rest in the cups he had out on the table.

“That so”

“We used to go to parties with a friend of ours back at home”

“Party girls? Never would have guessed”

Jack grinned Shay’s way. “Don’t get any ideas” Shay said looking Jack’s way who laughed shaking his head grabbing a drink, Alex swatted his hand Jack let out a yelp glaring at Alex.

“So, who wants to start the game?” Alex asked as he put the bottle down after taking the last small sip of the remains.

“Not me!” Everyone said expect Alex, he glared.

“Hey dude, you thought of the game you get first question and pick on who answers it.” Roo smirked.

“Fine if it’s going to be that way Roo.” He smirked. “Would you rather drink intoxicated water that could be poisoned or drink your own piss for survival?” Jack snorted at the question.

“Good one Lex”

“The water, it could be poisoned doesn’t mean it is.”

Alex smirked, “Okay Roo, your turn” he crossed his arms leaning against table.

“Fine, Alex. Why do you call dibs on girls you can’t even have?”

Alex stared at her, he wasn’t sure how to answer the question he opened his mouth to say something but nothing had come out he closed it and froze up, Roo grinned at him, “Ooooh” Jack said grinning handing him a cup.

Alex groaned gulping the liquid down.

“Jack” Shay spoke; his head spun her direction with a grin. “Would you rather want to kiss Alex or a dirty old man?” Jack scrunched up his nose.

“Alex, his face is cuter”

            The game went on it was getting tense half of the drinks were already downed in within an hour, everyone was slowly running out of things to say we were now down to one last drink on the table, Alex looked around the room biting his lower lip trying to choose who to go last.

“Alright, I think I’ll ask this question. It’s for Shay”

Shay’s head turned toward Alex, her eye brow raised.

“Would you rather lick the floor for 100 bucks or suck Jack’s dick for 100 bucks?”

Jack nearly choked on the air his eyes went wide, as did Shay’s.

Roo’s phone rung she had a Blink 182 ringtone, next Shay’s phone rung All the small things started playing she grinned holding her finger up as in saying ‘Hold that question’

“Hello? Why should I go outside? Fine alright”

“Be right back!” The girls shouted rushing out of the dining room opening the door looking across the street their jaws dropped.



The girls ran toward the two guys they knew back at home, they pulled the girls in for hugs as four guys stepped out of the house raising their eye brows.

“Shay, you have a question to answer or you drink the last cup!” Alex shouted with a grin across his face.

Shay wiggled her eyebrows smirking, “The floor may be dirty, and I’d have to go with the last choice.” Jack stared at Shay complete shock.

“I’ve got 100 bucks! Just to see some action”!

“Is porn not enough for you?!” Roo shouted.

“No! I need to see it in real life!” Alex shouted.

“What? Can’t get it in?” Roo asked grinning evilly,

“Hey! That’s not nice!” Alex shouted.

“You’re not so nice either!” Roo stuck her tongue out grabbing Ian’s hand stomping inside the house, Alex rolled his eyes turning his back walking inside the house slamming the door shut.

            Shay and Cam were in the kitchen popping some popcorn digging through the cupboards for junk food like they always use to do at the old house, they would sneak down and find late night snacks in the fridge and carry it all up to Shay’s room, “M&M’s!” Cam shouted.

The microwave beeped, “Popcorn!” Shay yelled.

They both laughed.

“Did I tell you that your room is fucking awesome?”

“Cam, I’m starting to think you like my room more than me.”

Shay pouted as she shut the microwave, he gasped pulling her into a hug.

“No I don’t!”

“I pick the movie!” Shay sang skipping out of the kitchen with the drinks and popcorn as Cam skipped out with the candy.

“No! Please don’t pick Home Alone again!” He whimpered.

“Hey! That movie is awesome!”

“Yes, but you’ve seen it millions of times Shay, now it’s just old.” He cried flopping down on her bed spreading the junk food out on the bed.

Shay groaned, “Fine big baby.” She scanned her movies, “Matilda”

“That’s okay” Cam nods with a grin throwing popcorn near Shay, Shay smiled happily switching on the TV and player putting the disc inside and flopped down on the bed next to Cam.

            Alex was up in his room with Jack who was staying the night again, he practically lived there he’s got tons of clothes everywhere some were mixed with Alex’s own clothes, Jack groaned hearing the word Home Alone and whimpered lying on the bed as Alex text Lisa.

“She likes Home Alone”

“And?” Alex raised an eye brow.

“And, she likes Home Alone”

“You just repeated yourself”

“I wasn’t invited”

“No, but you spent the whole day with her. Plus she wants to s-“Jack threw a pillow at him Alex’s laughter filled the room. “Just go to sleep we have school tomorrow” he slid down in his bed snuggling into the covers as Jack did the same.

“Night Lex”

Night Jacky” Jack laughed.

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