I bet I'M Your favorite

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This is my interpretation of what fnaf security breach would be like if Roxanne wolf was your guardian instead of freddy, and that heartless, scummy, slimy, piece of garbage gregory is not in this story.

Instead the main protagonist is...
Charlie (male)

Roxanne wolf was angry, freddy ruined yet another one of her performances, but, she knew what would cheer her up, a little pep talk, with herself. "You're performance was perfect tonight!" She told herself confidently in the mirror, "Thank you." She replied, "Your hair is beautiful, your tail is beautiful, everyone loves you, everyone wants you, everyone wants to BE you, your the best!" She smiled, "Yes, I am the best." She was already feeling better, "Your fans are watching you right now." She said, but she stopped when she heard shuffling behind her, she turned around, "Who's there? Freddy, if that's you again I swear!" She said, suddenly, she felt a scent, she began following it, until it led her to a couch, "Hey!" She leaped behind it and noticed a small child, they must have snuck in her room while she wasn't looking, "What on earth are you doing here? It's almost closing time." She suddenly stopped, a big grin growing on her face, this must be one of her fans, 'not surprising they would do all this to see you.' She thought, "So, your that eager to see me?" Roxy said cockily, but she then noticed the small child was quivering in fear, "Woah, are you okay?" Roxy asked, "P-please don't hurt me!" The child begged, "Woah, what's wrong?" Roxy asked, "I, I- this bunny- knife-" The child was too panicked to explain, Roxy didn't know much about how to calm someone down, but still tried, "Okay calm down, here, how about you stay with me for now?" Roxy asked, the child seemed relieved at that idea, "Okay, thank you so much!" They exclaimed, "Alright, here, you can spend some time with the best animatronic in the entire pizzaplex!" Roxy said, "By the way, how did you end up here?" Roxy asked, the child began shaking again, so roxy wrapped her arms around him to comfort him, "I, I was running from this bunny-lady, she was holding a knife, and, I saw all of your rooms, and, I decided to come in here..." the child stopped, "Why my room?" Roxy asked, "Well, I, thought I would enjoy you more than any of the others, I feel safest in here." The child said, 'I AM his favorite!' Roxy thought, then she realized what he said about the bunny-lady, "Hmm, okay, how about we go find Vanessa, she can probably help yo-" "No! Not her, she's trying to kill me!" Roxy then noticed that the child looked like he was about to cry, "Okay, alright, here, maybe you can stay with me for now, how about that?" Roxy asked, "Yes, please!" The child said as he immediately hugged Roxy tightly, she hugged the child back, in an attempt to comfort him.
"Here, how about you have this, it may help you calm down." Roxy walked over to the large pile of merchandise in the corner of her room, she grabbed a plush, "Um, you want it?" She asked, "Sure." The child grabbed the plush, Roxy smiled again, she decided to try to keep the kid happy, "So, what's your name?" Roxy asked, "M-my name is Charlie." "Hm, well, your lucky Charlie, I bet I'M your favorite." Roxy said, "You sure are." Charlie replied with a smile, forgetting about vanny for a while.
"Hey, you know, I think I might enjoy spending time with you Charlie." Roxy said happily.

And so began Charlie's night, with roxanne wolf

Fnaf security Breach: Roxy routeWhere stories live. Discover now