Rock and roll!

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As soon as Charlie stepped on the catwalks, he heard a loud sliding noise, he turned right and saw Monty riding on one of the alligator rides, he roared at Charlie threateningly before jumping off, he landed on the catwalks and turned to face one of the blasters, he jumped up and crushed it with his claws, he turned to Charlie and lowered his glasses, exposing his red eyes, "Rock and roll!" He said.

Charlie turned around and ran, "Hey! Little guy!" Monty yelled,
'Here we go again, why does he alway repeat that?' Charlie thought, he knew it was pointless, but he tried anyway to try to take a picture of him, it did nothing.

He decided the best thing to do was fill the splash bucket and avoid Monty, it was hard, but he was able to completely fill it. He saw a button that would activate it.

"Yes! Please open a door to get me out of here!" Charlie begged out loud.
He ran over to the button, and pressed it, but once he did, Monty landed right beside him,

"HA HA HA HA HA!" Monty laughed, but then Charlie noticed that the bucket was about to fall on top of him, "Monty! Look out!" Charlie screamed, Monty turned and held up the bucket, somehow managing to hold it, but the catwalks couldn't support it's weight, and Monty fell, Charlie ran over and tried to grab Monty's hand, but he was too late, Monty had fallen and collided with multiple pipes and steel and broke both his legs, and then fell to the floor, Charlie climbed down and stared in horror and guilt at what he had done, he quickly pulled out his watch, "Roxy! Chica! Come over to Monty Golf! Quickly!" He screamed.

To be continued

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