Another way

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"I'm sorry Roxy, I didn't make it in time, what do I do now?!" Charlie asked, panicking again, "Don't worry, I'm recharged now, I'm coming, I promise, I'll help you get out of here." She said, "Okay."
Charlie replied, he waited until Roxy made it to him, "Phew, hey, you okay rockstar?" She asked, he was sweating and shaking, "I, I hear Chica!" Charlie said, "Charlie~ Your family is looking for you!" Chica said, "Don't worry, she won't come over here, now, those doors will re-open at 6AM, so we just have to hide until then, I just recharged so I should be able to last a long time, but hey, you still get to spend the night with Roxanne wolf!" Roxy said, Charlie smiled, "So, why don't we grab some stuff, I think I know where we can stay, the other animatronics don't patrol the area, but first, we'll need a daycare pass." Roxy said, "Okay, how can I get that?" Charlie asked, "Theres a present beside that Janitor staff-bot, it has an entry pass, theres a machine you can use to upgrade it into a daycare pass." Roxy said, Charlie walked over to it, and winded it, just like the one in freddy's room, upon finishing it a loud fanfare played, and the top of the box flew open.
"I got it Roxy!" Charlie said as he carried the pass over to her, "Alright! Now, the machine can malfunction sometimes, but I think magnets will fix it, so here, take this." She pulled out a roxanne wolf magnet, and gave it to Charlie, "Oh, thank you!" Charlie said, "Your welcome Charlie."

Charlie entered the main area, and saw many security robots patrolling, "What are those?" Charlie asked Roxanne, "Those are security staff-bots, if they see you, they will alert the other animatronics, try not to let them see you." Roxy replied,
"Okay, so the machine is in the room on the left? It's closed off." Charlie said, "I think theres another way in from upstairs." Roxy replied.

Suddenly, Chica began walking downstairs, calling for Charlie to follow her, Charlie hid behind Roxy, soon, Chica went back upstairs, "How am I gonna get there with her looking for me?" Charlie asked, "Don't worry, if she sees you, come running back to me, I'll hide you from her." Roxy assured, "Alright, I'll try to get the pass." Charlie said.

Charlie snuck past the security robot and made it to the stairs, he noticed Chica was about to come down the stairs, so he hid from her in a nearby chair that had a closing above it, it was an object that mothers carried their babies in.
"Who wants candy?" Chica asked, before continuing down the stairs.
Charlie carefully peeked outside to make sure Chica was gone before jumping out and running up the stairs, he saw an area that looked like a small resturaunt, and went through there, he noticed a staff bot that was patrolling the area, but he went through behind a counter and avoided him, after walking down some stairs, he made it to the room with the upgrade Machine, "Alright, I made it!" He told himself, he put his entry pass in the machine, it didn't come out, "It ate my pass!" Charlie said to Roxy on his faz-watch, "Use that amazing magnet I gave you." Roxy replied, "Okay." Charlie said as he placed the sticker on the machine, a daycare pass then came out, Charlie grabbed it, "Okay, I got the daycare pass Roxy." He told her, "Great! I'll meet you in the daycare." She replied, "Okay, now I just gotta get back up there." Charlie told himself, he found a button that opened the door outside of the room, but Chica was still walking around, he carefully snuck upstairs, but heard her scream behind him, "Charlie!" He turned and noticed that she saw him.
He ran up the stairs as quickly as he could, her loud mechanical footsteps not far behind him, she was faster than him, he noticed a rocket ride at the top of the staircase, he messed with it and it started making loud noises, he hoped it would be enough to distract Chica, he hid in a nearby photo booth, "Bock bock bock?" Chica clucked, looking around, Charlie checked his cameras to make sure she left, when she did, he ran to the daycare.

Fnaf security Breach: Roxy routeWhere stories live. Discover now