Return to the daycare

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(Okay, so I'm skipping most of Charlie's return to the daycare, as there won't be much to talk about, since the sun doesn't appear for the rest of this story.)

Charlie had retrieved the mazercise pass, and was about to exit the daycare, he noticed one of the endoskeletons had gotten close to him, so he took out his camera and smiled at them, "Say cheese!" He taunted before taking a picture, all of the endoskeletons bugged out and he took this opportunity to run from them.

Soon he made it back to Mazercise where Chica had been waiting for him.
"I got the mazercise key!" Charlie said, "Good job superstar. Now let's solve this puzzle." Chica replied

Charlie had a very difficult time solving it,
The screens were very vague and a lot of the time, he didn't even realize what button he was actually pressing, but after a lot of annoying trial and error, he was able to solve it, and at the end of the tunnel, he found a vent.
"Um, are you sure this is the right way?" Charlie asked, "Of course, just crawl through there and come back to me if you find anything, I think this leads to right above monty golf actually." Chica said.

So Charlie crawled throught he vent, and to his surprise, the little music man didn't show up.
At the end of the vent, he saw a blaster gun, pointing towards the splash bucket, he assumed it may be like fazerblast, and if he wins, he may get a prize, he had hoped it would be something to stop Monty with, so he shot at the targets, and a door opened so he could step onto the catwalks...

Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to save the monty boss fight for the next one!

Also don't worry, Monty is not dying.

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