Are you having fun yet?

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"Charlie! Listen, I'm keeping you in lost and found until your parents or police arrive." Vanessa said, Charlie woke up and rubbed his eyes, "Wait, am I in... trouble?" Charlie asked, "No, but your gonna have to tell me why your sneaking around a pizzaplex after hours." Vanessa said sternly, 'Ugh, she's definitely a karen.' Charlie thought
"Listen, theres this lady in a bunny costume thats trying to kill me!" Charlie said, "Wait... did you say bunny?" Vanessa asked, suddenly, the screen Vanessa was on turned off, and it came back on displaying the same bunny lady from earlier, "Are you having fun yet~?" She asked.

Charlie started panicking, he saw another present in the room, he opened it and saw a screwdriver, then he looked around and saw a vent, "Okay, I can do this, um, left or right?" He asked, he turned right, the screw didn't turn, he turned left, and the screw loosened, "Are you having fun yet?"

Charlie quickly turned the other screws, then removed the vent cover, he turned around and saw Vanny wave at him, he crawled as fast as he could through the vent, but she grabbed his leg before he could climb inside, "Are you having fun yet?" She asked again, "Get the heck off of me!" Charlie screamed as he kicked her in the face, she let go of him and he ran through the vent, he found himself back at the main entrance, then he heard Vanny again, she was chasing him.
"Are you having fun yet?" She asked again

"What do you want from me?!" Charlie screamed, the bunny just kept chasing him, he ran upstairs and into the elevator, "Are you having fun-" Charlie closed the elevator, and went up.

"Roxy! Where are you?" Charlie asked, "I'm in the main stage, What happened?" Roxy asked, "That bunny lady is after me!" Charlie yelled, "Quick! Get over to me!" Roxy said.

"Staff only." Chica said as she saw Charlie, Charlie began running down the stairs as fast as he could, and knocked over some plates he saw on a table to distract Chica, then he saw Roxanne on the stage, she waved at him.
"Hey! Little guy!" Charlie saw Monty lunge at him, He ran just in time, "You can hide! But you can't hide!" Monty yelled.

Charlie made it to Roxy and hugged her, she wrapped her arms around him to protect him, "Are you having fun yet?" Vanny asked, "Get out of here!" Roxy yelled at Vanny, she looked somewhat shocked, but she still backed away from Roxy, Roxy pressed a button on the stage, and the stage began lowering, "Wh-where are we going?" Charlie asked, his voice was still shaky, "To parts and service, we should be safe there." Roxy replied,

Soon they made it downstairs, Roxy picked up Charlie and they both ran to a recharge station, "Naught boy!" The moon said, Charlie and Roxy made it to the recharge station, but Charlie shoved Roxy in and turned to face the moon, "Hehehe! Bad children must be punished!" He said while doing a small jester dance, "Get away!" Charlie said, he pulled out his flashlight and threw it at the moon, it flinched, but seemed unaffected by it.
"Hee hee hee!" He cackled, Charlie ran through two big red doors and saw the main area of parts and service, he ran as fast as he could, but the moon caught him, "You are one slippery snail."
The moon said teasingly, "Please! I'll do anything, just don't hurt me!" Charlie begged, the protective cylinder suddenly opened by itself, Charlie used all the strength he could to push the moon off of him, it stared at him, Charlie ran into the protective cylinder, the moon lunged at Charlie, and missed, Charlie ran to the controls, and locked the moon in the cylinder, it ran around, trying to break free.

Charlie felt a surge of relief, then he heard hand-units voice, "Warning, unwanted malware has been detected inside of this animatronic, beginning removal process, this may take a long time."

Charlie was confused, 'Is that why the moon was trying to kill me? Is that the same reason why everyone else is after me?' Charlie wondered, but then he heard Roxanne behind him, "Your okay!" She yelled as she hugged him, he hugged her back, "Why did you do that?" Roxy asked, "He was going to hurt you, I couldn't let him do that." Charlie replied, Roxy looked confused, 'He was going to risk his own life for me?'

"Wait, I think I know why your friends are after me!" Charlie said, "Really?" Roxy asked,

Charlie explained that moon was infected with a virus, and that the same virus may be infecting the other animatronics.
"Maybe we can find a way to lure them in here, and remove it from them." Charlie suggested, "But they could catch you." Roxy said, "Is there anything I can use to protect myself from them?" Charlie asked, "Well, bright lights usually stun them, maybe you could use a faz-cam." Roxy suggested, "Where can I get one?" Charlie asked, "They usually give them out in Monty golf, or, you could use a fazerblaster, that would work too." Roxy replied.

"Alright, we should go back up, maybe we can save your friends from this virus."

Fnaf security Breach: Roxy routeWhere stories live. Discover now