My Little Rockstar

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Now that Roxanne knew Charlie's situation, she had to figure out how to get him to escape, "Alright, now, we need to figure out how to get you out of here, I know an exit, but you need to be fast, I can help you get out."
Charlie suddenly realized the situation he was in again, and turned to Roxy, "Okay, but, how will you come with me?" He asked, "Don't worry little Rockstar, I think theres a fazwatch in freddy's room, I think Vanessa's gone, so you can go get it." Roxy replied, "But, what about Freddy?" Charlie asked, "He's on low power, after that incident, he's probably on sleep mode now." Roxy said, "Alright, wait, what can I do with a watch?" Charlie asked, "We can communicate with it, if your in trouble, I'll come running." Roxy said, "Okay, thank you Roxy!" Charlie said happily, "You're welcome rockstar, now hurry, we don't have much time before the place closes."

Charlie tiptoed out of Roxanne's room, and slowly walked towards the room with Freddy, however, suddenly, he heard a loud growling noise coming from the room to the right of Roxanne's, it was Monty's.

He heard all sorts of chaotic noises, it sounded like Monty was destroying his room, but why? Charlie had no time to figure it out though, so he ran as quick as he could to Freddy's room, Freddy was on sleep mode, standing idly in his room, he looked as if he could wake up at any second.

He noticed a present in front of a mirror that was standing on top of a dresser, it looked almost like a jack-in-a-box toy, he began turning the crank on it, it bursted open, playing a loud fanfare, Charlie immediately looked at Freddy to make sure the sound did not alert him, Freddy was still asleep.
Charlie looked in the box, and saw a faz-watch inside, "Yes!" He said to himself as he grabbed it, he then hurried outside, but before he entered Roxanne's room, he heard a guitar playing, it was coming from the room beside Monty's, he walked over, and saw Chica, tuning her guitar.

Charlie didn't know much about Chica, but he knew she was supposed to be a motivation for fitness, however, she always offered discounts for junk food, it seemed counterproductive to him, but he didn't question it.
He ran back to Roxanne's room, and saw her looking in the mirror, she turned to him, and smiled, "Good job little Rockstar!" She said proudly, "Now, let me just get our messages connected, and there, now we can talk." Roxy said
"Maybe we should test it out." Charlie suggested, "Good idea, I'll send you a message now." Roxy replied.

"Testing." Charlie heard Freddy's voice say in the faz-watch, "Huh? Why did it use freddy's voice?" Charlie asked, Roxy looked frustrated, "Ugh, stupid thing always defaults to Freddy's voice, why don't you change it to mine, to prevent confusion." Roxy said, "Okay!" Charlie replied, he went to voice options and chose Roxanne.
"Alright, now we can get started on getting you out of here."

"Alright, now we need to do this quickly, here, why don't you climb on my back, I'll carry you there." Roxy said, "Okay, but, am I too heavy?" Charlie asked, "Pfft, of course not, I can easily carry a little guy like you, now come on." Roxy kneeled down, and let Charlie climb onto her back, he had just then realized how soft her hair is, "Now try to hold on, I'll go slow." Roxy said as she walked forward, she ran to a door with a symbol of Freddy on it, once she approached it, the door automatically opened, "Okay, now, we just need to go through the underground." Roxy said
"You know, we can go anywhere in the whole pizzaplex right now, but we should just focus on getting you out now." Roxy added,
She ran up a few stairs, and suddenly saw a recharge station.
"Okay, now, we can-" Roxy was interrupted by the sound of loud chewing, "Wait, is that Chica?" Charlie asked, "Yes, but, she should be in her room now, oh wait, she's probably digging through the trash looking for pizza again, I swear, I keep telling her not to do that, hang on, I'll talk to her." Roxy said, Charlie watched Roxy approach Chica, who was shoving pizza in her face, "Chica! Why are you out of your room?" Roxy asked, "Oh, hey Roxy! Didn't Vannessa tell you? Theres a lost boy and we need to find him." She said, "Then why are you eating?" Roxy asked, Chica shrugged, "I get hungry when I'm looking for people." Chica said, "Well, why don't I look for him here, you should look somewhere else." Roxy said, "Alright Roxanne." Chica said as she stepped away, Roxy walked back over to Charlie, who was holding his breath behind a table, "Alright, it seems like the others may be looking for you, but it shouldn't be a proble-" Suddenly, Roxy stopped, "Oh, my battery!" She said, "Oh, wait, there's a station over there!" Charlie said, "Alright, I can still talk to you on the faz-watch, but, I'm afraid I can't help you while I'm charging." Roxy said, Charlie began shaking, "Wait, I can just sit here until your charged!" Charlie said, "It will take too long, you only have fifteen more minutes to get out, but trust me." Charlie looked into Roxy's beautiful yellow eyes,
"You can do it little Rockstar."

Author : Charlie seems like a female Name, but I assure you, the main character is male, I'm thinking of making a story where chica is a guardian too, with the main character still being Charlie.

Fnaf security Breach: Roxy routeWhere stories live. Discover now