Freddy's weakness

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"Alright Roxy, let's go see if we can find anything else." Charlie said, while somewhat admiring the scenery of the raceway, "Alright, let's see if Monty or Chica found anything." Roxy replied, "Um, Roxy?" Charlie asked, "Yeah?"

"I just wanted to tell you, Thank you for everything, if it weren't for you, I would be dead, and I'm so glad I got to be with you tonight." Charlie said happily

"I'm glad, little rockstar." Roxanne replied.

Charlie and roxanne left the raceway and saw chica screaming at one of the electronic locks, it fell right off once she did, "How did she do that?" Charlie asked, "Remember? Her voice box can mess up electronics." Roxy said, "Hey, Roxy, what happened to the moon when we left?" Charlie asked, "Oh, I think he went back to the daycare." Roxy replied.

"Maybe we should go see him, he might be able to help us, or the sun." Charlie said

Roxy and Charlie made their way back to the daycare, and knocked on the large, wooden doors.
"Hello?" The sun asked, "Hey, can we come in?" Roxy asked, "Of course! Anything for my two best friends!" The sun said, he opened the doors and immediately lunged at Roxy, and hugged her. He did the same to Charlie.

"So, what brings you two here!" The sun asked, "We wanted to know if you had an idea for how to lure freddy down to parts and service, we need to remove that virus from him, it was the same one that infected the moon." Charlie said, "Well, Freddy runs on lower power than the rest of us, to save budget, and he needs to recharge once every hour."

Charlie thought of an idea, "That's it! Maybe, if we unplug all the recharge stations except the one in parts and service, Freddy will have to go down there, then, we lure him to the cylinder, and trap him." Charlie said, "Hmm, I guess that's worth a shot." Roxy replied, "Alright, thank you sun!" Charlie said as he hugged the sun, "Your welcome sunray."

"Okay, let's get started, I'll message Monty and Chica." Charlie said,

Fnaf security Breach: Roxy routeWhere stories live. Discover now