Roxy's secret

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Charlie stayed close to Roxy, and they both looked at the pictures near the elevators, "What are those?" Charlie asked, "Those are our special upgrades, we all have them, chica has a loud voice, but sometimes it messes with other robots, Freddy has a large stomach hatch, heh, maybe he could even carry you inside him." Roxy mumbled under her breath "Fat loser."
"Monty has big claws, and I have special eyes, I can see other robots through walls!" She said, "That sounds great." Charlie said,

"Hang on Charlie, can you wait here with moon for a while?" Roxy asked, "Um, sure." Charlie replied.

Roxy went through the elevator that led up to her room, after waiting for ten minutes, Charlie deciced to check on her, "Um, Roxy, is everything alright?" Charlie asked, he heard loud crying and sobbing, "I am NOT a loser." She said to herself, Charlie walked over to her, "Roxy? What's wrong?" He asked, "Wha-" she turned to him, and stopped herself, "I, Nothing." She replied, "Were you crying?" He asked, "No!" She yelled, Charlie stepped back in fear, "S-sorry, I just, haven't been feeling like myself." She said sadly, "Charlie, can I ask you something?" She said, "Of course." Charlie replied, "Do you care about me? Do you like me? Am I beautiful?" She asked, her voice sounding more sad with every question she asked, "Of course you are, you are the most beautiful animatronic I've ever seen, if it weren't for you, I would be dead by now, I care about you more than anything." Charlie said while stroking her hair and tail.
She looked up at him and hugged him, "I love you Roxy." Charlie said, she smiled at him.
"Because your the best, and if somebody doesn't think so then that's their problem, but me, your friends, and a bunch of other people love you more than anyone else."

Ten minutes earlier

'Roxanne wolf's personality chip causes her to think of herself as better than everyone else, but her ego isn't as big as it seems, as it seems to make her feel insecure about herself'

'Montgomery Gators personality chip causes him to be aggressive, like a normal alligator, but consequently this causes him to have fits of anger which usually result in the destruction of people and objects, his rage even caused the decommissioning of another animatronic.'

'Glamrock chica's personality chip causes her to be unhealthily obsessed with pizza, to the point where she can be seen digging through garbage cans to eat leftover pizza, which is a problem because she is supposed to represent fitness. Monty mystery mix seems to intesify this, she seems attracted to that like it's some sort of addictive drug.'

'Glamrock freddy's personality chip is the only one that doesn't cause any problems, he's meant to be almost a father figure.'

After reading these, Charlie had an idea of how he can save chica, if he can lure her into the parts and service with pizza, and mystery mix, he can remove the virus.

Fnaf security Breach: Roxy routeWhere stories live. Discover now