Another friend

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"BOCK BOCK BOCK!" Chica yelled as she jerked up, she turned her head around, confused, "Um, Roxy? Where am I?" Chica asked, then she noticed Charlie, "Oh my gosh! Are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you, I wasn't myself!" Chica said, "Wait Chica, what happened to you?" Roxy asked, "My safety was disabled, and I couldn't control myself, I can't remember much after that." Chica replied

"Um, Roxy? Can I talk to Charlie for a second?" Chica asked, "Of course, I need to recharge anyway." Roxy replied.

Chica hugged Charlie tightly, almost breaking his ribcage, "Thank you so much for freeing me!" Chica said happily, "Y-you're welcome!" Charlie replied weakly, "Um, Chica? How are we going to save Monty and Freddy though? I can't lure them down here easily, Freddy is too smart and my blaster won't work on Monty." Charlie asked,
"Well, I can scream loudly, my voice box will cause any robots around me to run away." Chica said, "Alright, but that won't help us get them down here." Charlie replied, "Well, maybe if we look around the pizzaplex some more, we can find a way to bring them here." Chica said, "Good idea! Maybe I can check Monty golf- Oh wait, I don't have any more party passes." Charlie said, Chica smiled, "Don't worry, I have one! I always carry them." Chica said, handing Charlie a party pass, "Thank you!" Charlie said as he hugged Chica, "Your welcome Superstar!" Chica said with a smile.
Roxy stepped back in, and saw them both smiling at each other, "Alright, now, what will we do about Monty and Freddy?" Roxy asked, "Charlie is gonna check around Monty Golf so he can try to find something that can stop Monty." Chica said, "Alright, hey, Rockstar, why don't you let Chica help you out over there? I'll go see if we can find something to use for Freddy." Roxy said, "Alright, it's you and me now Charlie!" Chica said excitedly.
"Alright, let's go Chica." Charlie said.

They both ran up to the stage, and activated the lift, when they made it up, Freddy saw Charlie, Chica noticed him and screeched loudly, Freddy started glitching, then ran away from them, "Wow, thank you Chica!" Charlie said, "Don't mention it, now, let's go to Monty golf." Chica replied.

Soon, they arrived at Monty's gator golf, Charlie handed his party pass to the robot, it did a small dance.
Then for some reason he vanished, Charlie didn't question it though.

They went inside the elevator, and pressed the button, then they heard Monty's voice,
"Welcome to Monty's gator golf! Home of the hurricane hole in one! We are closed now, please come back later, no flash photography!"

"Hey, Charlie, I may not be big enough to carry you, but I can scream to keep Monty away if he chases you, I do need to gove my voice a break everytime though." Chica said, "That's alright, it's better than having nothing to keep Monty away with." Charlie replied.

And soon they arrived in Monty's gator golf

Fnaf security Breach: Roxy routeWhere stories live. Discover now