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Charlie sat in Roxy's room, waiting for her to come back, he had seen her on stage, and loved every second of it, she came to her room and waved at him, "Hey there little rockstar!" She said, "Hey Roxy! You did amazing out there!"  Charlie said, "Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed." Roxy replied, "Why don't you go talk to the others now?" Roxy asked, "Alright, I'll be right back." Charlie said.

He walked to Chica's room, and opened her door, when he waved, she immediately ran towards him and hugged him tightly, "Hey there superstar!" Chica said, "H-hey chi-Chica." Charlie said while gasping for breath, she let go of him, "So, what do you wanna do tonight? We can do anything now that the place is closed." Chica said, "Well, I think maybe we should all do fazer-blast, then golf, then I want to race Roxy, she always beats me." Charlie replied, "Alright, heres your party passes!" Chica said.

Charlie walked over to Monty's room, surprisingly, the room looked clean, "Hey Monty, so, do you want to play a game of golf later?" Charlie asked, Monty turned to him and lowered his glasses, "You bet little guy!" He said, "Alright, Hang on, I'll get the others."

Charlie walked over to Freddy's room, and stepped inside, he saw Freddy smile at him, "Hello Charlie, is it midnight now?" Freddy asked, "Yep, chica has some party passes, we were all gonna go out and play some games, wanna come?" Charlie asked, Freddy smiled, "Of course, let's go." Freddy replied.

Charlie played games with all three of them.

First, it was Fazerblast, Chica was somehow better than all of them combined, she somewhat cheated when she screeched and caused some of the staff-bots to leave the flag she captured, but they couldn't stay mad at her, in the end, she still had the high score.

Then, they played Monty golf, Charlie was somewhat bad at golf because he had never played before, but Monty still helped him understand the game. But roxy ended up smashing one of the golf clubs in rage

Then, they did Charlie's favorite game, roxy raceway.

Charlie ended up being in second place, but roxy had somehow beat him, he was happy though, he didn't tell her, but he lost on purpose because he didn't take a shortcut.

Then, Charlie visited the daycare, the sun excitedly waved at him, "Hey there sunray! So, what adventures did you go on tonight?" The sun asked, "Well, we played a bunch of games, actually, do you wanna come with us sun?" Charlie asked, "Well, I never really thought about it, but, sure!" The sun nodded.

Charlie was about to go back to the pizzeria entrance, but then he saw Vanessa.
"Hey Vanessa, how's it going?" Charlie asked, "Oh, hey Charlie, I actually was looking for you, I wanted to know, why do you like this place so much? Why do you prefer to stay here than a real home?" Vanessa asked, "Well, I never really knew my family well, they left me here, and, well, I feel like I have a better Family here than I ever could there, especially with Roxy, she seemed to care more about keeping me safe than my own mom, and, I just like them all, they make me feel safe." Charlie said, "Alright, don't worry, those staff-bots are the only security we will ever have, have fun with the animatronics Charlie, superstar." Vanessa said, "Actually, I kinda like Rockstar more." Charlie replied, "Alright, rockstar." Vanessa said.

Later that night

Charlie jerked awake, and started crying, Roxy looked over at him, "Wh-what's wrong charlie?" Roxy asked, "I, I had a nightmare, you got hurt, and, you kept screaming and crying, I felt so bad because, I couldn't help you!" Charlie said, Roxy knew he would probably have bad nightmares after what happened with Vanny, so she walked over to him and patted his back, "It's okay my little rockstar, nothing can stop me, and you know what? Even if something did, you would save me, and I know you would, you know why?" Roxy asked, "Wh-why?" Charlie asked

"Because YOU, are the best."

I hope you enoyed this small little bonus part I made.

Fnaf security Breach: Roxy routeWhere stories live. Discover now