Chica's Obsession

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Author: I'm skipping the fazeblast part because I'd just be copying and pasting from the game, but I'll tell you that Charlie just made it to bonnie bowl

"Alright Roxy, let's go, winner." Charlie told her, "Okay little rockstar." Roxy replied

"Roxy, I have a question, what happened to Bonnie?" Charlie asked, "He, was decommissioned, I don't know what happened, Freddy misses him a lot, he even stopped coming to bonnie bowl after it." Roxy replied, Charlie assumed that Monty was the most likely one behind bonnie's decommission.

"Okay, Monty mystery mix should be up here, I'll go look for it." Charlie said, "Alright, you can do this Rockstar!"

Charlie ran behind the ice cream bar, and found a monty mystery mix box on the shelf, he grabbed it and put it in his backpack, "Okay, now to find some pizza." Charlie said, as he was going back to Roxy, he was seen by Chica, "I'm just trying to help you." She said, Charlie pulled out his fazer-blaster and shot chica, "BOCK BOCK BOCK!" She clucked,  Charlie ran over to Roxy, holding the mystery mix, "I got it, now we just need pizza." Charlie said, "There's some leftover pizza in the trash-can in parts and service, it should be enough for chica to come." Roxy said,
"Okay, lets go back to parts and service then."


Charlie and Roxy placed the old pizza and sprinkled it with mystery mix, and then they hid out of sight and waited for chica, "Um, are you sure this is gonna attract her here Roxy?" Charlie asked, "Of course, she loves this stuff." Roxy said

Then they both heard loud footsteps, "I smell Pizza~!" Chica said, she saw the food in the protective cylinder and began shoving it in her mouth, "Mmm." She said as she kept eating, Charlie quietly snuck behind chica and shot her with the faz-blaster, "BOCK BOCK BOCK!" She clucked, Charlie closed the cylinder, Chica turned around and banged on the door, "Warning, unwanted malware has been detected inside of this animatronic, beginning removal process, this may take a long time."

"Yes!" Charlie said, chica began banging on the cylinder, before shutting down, "Roxy, we saved her!" Charlie said, Roxy seemed proud "Yeah, good job." She said.

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