Repairing Monty

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Charlie felt nothing but guilt as he stared at Monty's broken body, soon, Chica and Roxy arrived, and they saw what had happened, Charlie explained everything and they both were shocked, "Is there a way to fix him?" Charlie pleaded, "Well, maybe if we go back to parts and service, we can find some new legs, and, um, replace everything else." Chica said, "Roxy, can you give me a hand here?" She added as she struggled to pick up Monty, "Sure, Charlie, can you lead us to parts and service?" Roxy asked.
"Sure, come on!" Charlie said,

He led them there and they placed Monty in the protective cylinder, "All right, can you two handle the virus? I need to go find Monty's parts." Charlie said, "Sure, you can do this little Rockstar!" Roxy said as she gave Charlie a rock-on sign, Charlie smiled and returned it to her.

As he stepped into the spare parts area, he heard loud metal stomping, likely from Endoskeletons.

It took a while, and it was stressful trying to avoid the skeletons, but Charlie managed to gather together all the spare parts for Monty, and was ready to repair him.

He was told by hand-unit that he had to match all the patterns correctly, which he successfully did.

Soon, Monty was back to his old self!

He stood up, and scratched his head, "Ugh, Chica? Roxy?" He said slowly, "What happened?" He asked,
They all explained everything that happened to him, Charlie still felt guilty for destroying him, and it felt worse having to explain that to Monty, but Monty seemed almost grateful, he stepped over to Charlie and smiled, "So you saved me from that virus, pretty tough little guy." Monty said, he held up his hand for a high-five, Charlie decided to high-five him,

"Okay! So now Monty can help us, but, how are we gonna deal with Freddy though?" Charlie asked,
He wanted to make sure he didn't accidentally hurt another animatronic.
"Hmm, well, with my claws I can break down those fences, maybe we can find something behind one of them, and, if freddy sees you I can carry you on my back." Monty said.

"Alright, but, how about you and chica do that? I want to spend some time searching with Roxy." Charlie said, Roxy seemed surprised, "Um, really?" She asked, Charlie nodded, "By the way, did you find anything to stop Freddy with?" Charlie asked, "No, stupid bear is always perfect, no obsessions, no problems, no anger, he's..." Roxy didn't want to admit it, it ashamed her, but she was Jealous of Freddy, he was the main star, the mall was literally named after him, he was the one character who was in every resturaunt, what was she? Just a replacement for foxy.

"Roxy, are you alright?" Charlie asked, "Y-yeah! I'm the best!" Roxy replied, "Okay, so, where should we look?" Charlie asked, "Monty, can you break those fences so we can go to Roxy raceway?" Roxy asked Monty, "Heh, I thought you'd never ask." Monty replied, he walked away, "Chica, can you search around for other things? Like something to stop Freddy?" Roxy asked Chica, she nodded, and walked away, "Alright my little Rockstar, I think it's tome you saw the best place in the pizzaplex, Roxy Raceway!"
Roxy said with a smile

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