The moon

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"Roxy! The lights went out in the daycare, what do I do?!"

"Don't worry, just turn them back on, there should be generators in the play areas, just don't let the moon catch you! I'm on my way." Roxy replied

"Bad children must be punished~" the moon snickered, Charlie rushed into the play area, the moon hung from outside, intensely watching Charlie, he managed to find three switches in the play area he was in, he ran outside and saw the moon waiting for him, he began bending his legs and body in unnatural ways, before lunging at Charlie, he ran and saw a bunch of cylinders stacked on each other, he knocked them down, "Grrr, clean up clean up!" The moon growled as he began cleaning Charlie's mess, he continued knocking down more of them, until the moon was completely distracted, then he continued in trying to find the switches, he successfully found the two other generators, "Bad children must be found!" The moon yelled from behind Charlie, Charlie grabbed the last switch and pulled it down, suddenly, the lights were back on, he turned around and saw the sun, looking down in shame, "Hey, are you okay?" Charlie consoled, "I'm so sorry, I tried all I could to keep him from coming out, that's why the lights need to be on, the moon is cruel and horrible, I'm so sorry for everything Charlie." The sun said sadly, "Don't worry, it's not your fault." Charlie said, "I'm sorry Charlie, but I can't let you stay here, the lights go out every hour, and I can't let him hurt you again." The sun said, "But where will I stay?" Charlie asked, "Maybe Roxy can help, she's the best." The sun said happily, there was a loud knocking on the door, the sun answered, "Charlie! Are you okay?" Roxy asked, Charlie ran over to Roxy and hugged her tightly, "Don't worry, I'll keep you safe, I promise." Roxy said, "If you ever need anything, come ask me!" The sun said as he waved goodbye to Charlie and Roxanne.

Suddenly, after exiting, he heard a loud noise, "There you are! Now, let's go find your parents." Charlie turned and noticed Freddy, then he heard Monty and chica, "Hey! Little guy!"
Roxy grabbed Charlie and carried him away from them quickly.
Suddenly, the lights went out,
"It's past your bedtime!" The moon yelled.

"Roxy! What do we do?!" Charlie asked, "Don't worry, I know where he can't get us!" Roxy said, she ran back up through the daycare entrance, and saw a recharge station, she ran inside with Charlie, "Wait! Won't I get electrocuted?!" "No, it only charges me." Roxy said

Then, a woman in a rabbit costume began prancing, she turned and saw Charlie with Roxanne, and waved playfully, she pulled out a knife from behind her back, and placed her finger on her mouth, before leaving the room.

Roxanne noticed that Charlie was crying, "Hey, are you alright?" Roxy asked, Charlie hugged Roxy tightly, "She's here!" He said, "Who?" Roxy asked, "The bunny lady!" Charlie yelled, "I didn't see her." Roxy replied, Charlie began crying into Roxy's hair, "Don't worry, I promise I won't let her hurt you." Roxy whispered.


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