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"Alright, let's get started." Charlie said as he walked over to the recharge station near the daycare, "Hey roxy, you should charge before we do this, just in case." Charlie said, Roxy walked inside, and a few minutes later, stepped out fully charged, then, Charlie unplugged the station.
"Alright, let's go unplug the rest." Roxy said.

After 15 minutes, all the recharge stations were unplugged, and it was 5:30.

Soon, everybody gathered downstairs, and waited for freddy to return, "Alright, he should be here any minute now." Chica said, after a while, Freddy came down the lift, and looked around, he noticed the recharge station and stepped inside, after a few minutes, he exited, then, Charlie shot him with his faz-blaster, "Now Monty!" Charlie called, Monty grabbed Freddy, and restrained him, he then dragged him all the way to the protective cylinder, and threw him inside, Charlie closed the door and pressed the virus scan option.

"Warning, unwanted malware has been detected inside of this animatronic, beginning removal process, this may take a long time."

It took thirty more minutes, before all the viruses inside of Freddy were removed, he stepped outside of the protective cylinder, and apologetically looked at Charlie, "Charlie, I am truly sorry for everything that I did, I wanted to stop it, but I couldn't." Freddy said, "It's alright, your better now!" Charlie said, "Good news Charlie, it's 6AM, you can leave now." Roxy said, "But... wait, what about the rabbit lady?" Charlie asked, Roxy looked down sadly, "I'm afraid it's not safe here, not while she's roaming around."
Roxy said,

"Wait, there has to be somethi-" Charlie was interrupted when Freddy spoke up, "Wait! I know what we need to! Monty! Chica! Follow me! Roxy, Charlie, I need you to find three arcade games, all of them are called princess quest, I need you to complete all of them, trust me." Freddy said,
"Freddy, what are you talking about?" Roxy asked, "I remember everything now! I know how to stop this!" Freddy replied, he ran off, Monty and chica followed him.

"Well, maybe we should go find them." Charlie said, he smiled at Roxy, and they both decided to search a new area, the salon

Fnaf security Breach: Roxy routeWhere stories live. Discover now