Chapter 7

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The duke was being closer and closer to the gate, as he got closer and closer, he saw the man clearly, he looked like an old man in his eighties.

"Young man, please help me." The old man looked harmless, the duke raised his arm for the knights to get inside, and the duke got closer to the old man.

"How can I help you sir?" He asked as he opened the gate.

"My grand-daughter, they kidnaped my grand-daughter." The old man grabbed his hand begging him.

"Have you seen anyone like the one who is on the tree?" The duke almost whispered, the old man saw the man in the tree and nodded.

"Y-Yes, that's him." The old man confirmed.

The duke raised two fingers on the air and pointed right. Eleanor saw him signaling and opened the window where she threw the knife in the tree stabbing the man in the leg, which he fell on the ground.

The duke got closer to that man, and saw him that he was one of the imperial dogs.

The duke whistled and three guards came and fetched him up, sending him to the basement where the duke got the word out from, to tell the truth it was always effective. The duke turned around and saw the old man on the ground with his throat slit open, the duke got his defenses up, but it was a bit too late, the other was under him with the knife stabbed onto the duke's lower stomach, sideways.

The duke grinned, grabbed him by the collar and threw him on the ground and got on top of him.

"If you think this is enough to kill me, then boy you're so wrong, I think you still don't know who you are messing with." His eyes were shining gold in yellow; it was a scary sight to see, the boy under him smiled.

"No, but the poison will." Then foam started to get out of his mouth, it looked like he killed himself.

The duke started laughing loudly, as Eleanor got out running, she stopped at the sight that the duke had blood on his hands and was laughing loud, she examined the area and got closer to the duke.

"Father, are you okay? You are bleeding." The duke stopped laughing and turned around to meet her eyes and was still smiling while his eyebrows were raised as he had regret what he did, Eleanor just looked at the duke and took his arm and tried to get him up and head inside.

"Come on, let's go inside first, we need to treat your wound first." Eleanor said as she was going with him towards the door.

"Lea......." The duke said as he was breathless.

"Don't worry, the doctor is here so there is no need to worry about." Eleanor explained.

"I've been...... poisoned." The duke started coughing blood. Eleanor started trembling at the sight of the blood coming out of the duke.

"No no no, please don't do this to me, JOHN!" Eleanor screamed and turned towards the duke.

"Father, wait no, please don't, you can't leave me too, oh God please don't do this to me, RYAN!" Eleanor screamed.

"You raised me like your own daughter, I loved you more than my father, so don't leave me yet please, I'm begging you. You even gave me a name, so that I could live once again." Eleanor said as she was crying over his body. The duke started laughing.

"Lea, I won't die, the poison only paralyzes me." Eleanor looked at the duke and hit him near the wound.

The duke winced.

"I'm so sorry, no I'm not sorry, I didn't mean to hit you there." John came running and saw the duke laying down and laughing and Eleanor hitting his chest as she wiped her tears off her face. The duke grabbed her head and hugged her.

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