Chapter 42

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“Elean...or!” This time was starting to come closer to me as if it was trying to catch me as if I was running away from something.

“Eleanor!” This time I heard it perfectly, someone was trying to wake me up, and yet I thought I was peaceful here, but I couldn’t help it, soon I felt like I was drowning I couldn’t breathe anymore, I tried to move and get away from this grip, but it didn’t work exactly.

I woke up but coughing as much as I could, I was trembling, I was surrounded by cries of men and women, the sun had risen, and it gave the forest a beautiful sight to see, I was shivering from the cold, which it never had happened before. The duke was crying, Alaric was the one hugging me from behind as he was trying to warm me up, Kinra was in front of me, his hand full of blood, and the others were watching from afar.

“Eleanor!” Now I could hear perfectly where this sound came from, it was from the duke as he was crying his eyes out, I couldn’t help but smile at this sight. I tried to talk, but my voice didn’t come out as I thought.

“Kinra.” It came out raspy, and my throat burned like some chain with thorns was stuck inside.

“My empress, please refrain from speaking, you will be alright now.” He said as he fell forward in my lap, I was worried, and I raised my hand towards him.

“It’s alright you need to rest now,” I said again, but this time my magic felt stronger than before, as the healing magic worked its mystical powers onto Kinra, those around them could see the light begin to fill his body. It was like watching the light break through the clouds and illuminate a world that had been shrouded in darkness. These lights that were expanding through his body didn’t only heal him, but as well as the people around us. It was like watching a miracle unfold before their very eyes, as Kinra's body slowly began to heal, and his wounds were slowly restored.

As the light surrounded him, it was like watching a flower blossom back to life before their eyes, and they felt an uplifting sense of joy and hope at what they were witnessing.
As he got back to his senses he bowed to me, which made my cheeks warmer.

“My empress, I shall from now on until I die, be your shield wherever and whenever you need me to. I offer you my loyalty and allegiance, for I am in awe of your might and grace. I am honored to be in your presence and beg for your wisdom and guidance. What is your command, my Empress?” I smiled and got up with the help of Alaric.

"My loyal Kinra, I am grateful for your service to my request and the strength you have shown in the face of adversity. You have endured much to be here today, and I recognize the toll it has taken on your body and spirit. Though your injuries may have healed, the pain is not yet gone. There is always room for all within the empire's ranks, and if you seek shelter and rest, it will be provided. I only ask that your loyalty and devotion remain, for we are stronger together."

I could feel the gaze of the soldiers of the empire and some of the citizens that had driven them here from curiosity, they looked like they were in awe and shock, the soldiers of the empire threw their weapons to the ground, and they started to walk towards us slowly with their hands up.

"My Empress, we pledge our allegiance and dedication to you. We are your humble servants, and we will fight to protect the empire and its people. We will lay down our lives in your name and devote ourselves to the cause of peace and justice. We stand with you in the face of any danger and trust in your wisdom and strength. The empire is in your hands, and we swear allegiance to you as our leader." I felt shocked.

As I heard the soldiers' words, I felt a wave of anger come over me. I had not forgotten their attempt on my life, and I could not forgive them for trying to kill me, as they killed my mother innocently. With rage and determination, I stood before them, with the help of Alaric.

"Soldiers, you have shown your true colors and I will not allow you to stand in the way of my plans. You came before me once with the intent to kill me, and now you dare to call yourselves my loyal servants? You are nothing but traitors and cowards, and as for you king, call out that coward who is said to be the ruler of this place, as he hides his face abusing women all day and night, as far as I know, the true and the most fitted for the crown is Alaric. So, I dare one of you to go and call that filthy emperor of yours, which hid the truth from you all." Alaric held me closely, I was mad, and I was almost making a mistake.

As the soldiers scattered from here, they trembled with fear and cowardice at my words of anger. They realized they were no match for us, and that we were not to be underestimated.

I fell back into the arms of Alaric, feeling exhausted and weak from the confrontation. I was angry at the soldiers for their treachery but also relieved to be safe and alive.
Alaric held me close, feeling my stress and anxieties melt away as I relaxed into his arms. He knew that I was now safe and sound, and felt grateful for being able to protect me.

“Moonlight.” He said as he took me in a deep kiss, I forgot how much he cared for me, and here I was trying to tremble this empire to the grounds. As I kissed him back, he had completely frozen, this was the first time I kissed him back. The duke coughed as he was trying to tell us to stop. I laughed nervously and looked at the duke, he looked younger now.

“Are you alright? You look like you’re twenty years older?” I burst out laughing, I missed this time with him.
“What do you know? Probably I lived better than you.” He shrugged; he still had his temper.

“I apologize, I acted without thinking,” I said as I held my head low. Tatiana and Alfie were just crying in silence. Alaric just grabbed me and rested his head on my back, as Ryan got closer to me and held my hands.

“Never apologize for what you did, you weren’t wrong for this, you saved lives tonight, not only that, now there are people who are willing to follow you until they die, just remember that, that this is what your mother had wished for, the rightful empress for Cliodhna.” Tears were dropping in my hands, my mother, my mother fought for this as well but couldn’t achieve it. She had fought for justice over her fallen empire in which the current emperor had killed the people and was willing to kill them all over again.

“I promise on my name that I will make it happen for my mother’s sake, even if it means dying,” I swore by my name, so this shouldn’t be enough, there needs to be more blood, sweat, and tears.
Kinra got in front of me and turned his back on me.

“Empress, I need to show you something. I apologize for my rudeness of interrupting.”

A place of beauty and serenity, with a tranquil river running through the landscape and tumbling down its cascading waterfalls. The sun shone through the dense trees and tall mountains, with a city lined with beautiful buildings and a majestic palace towering in the distance.

Birdsong and the chirruping of insects fill the air, as the calming smell of the fresh air fills the senses. It is a place of peace and harmony, where the weight of the world can be forgotten, and true happiness be found. Some creatures are both potentially dangerous yet still friendly to travelers and passersby. Creatures such as tigers and wolves can be seen roaming the lands, but they do not pose a threat to those who respect them and their privacy. Other animals, such as deer and rabbits, can be seen frolicking in the grass and among the trees, providing a glimpse of serenity and harmony to the picturesque landscape.

The animals near the waterfall add a splash of color and beauty to the surroundings. Fish and frogs jump and splash in the water, filling the air with delightfully refreshing sounds. Birds and other wildlife also make their presence known, singing their songs and adding to the peaceful atmosphere.

Hello everyone, I apologize that I have been inactive, but now Im here, cuz I focused more on school, and now it's summer. So enjoy both <3

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