Chapter 20

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"Even if I tried to kill you, I would've ended up dead, I lack the training my prince, but if it was a girl, then do you think you must've lacked your trainings as well." She got closer to his ears and whispered.

"From chasing the girls in the palace?" The prince looked at her like he was about to tear her to shreds.

"That's enough. What is going on here?" The duke came with his sister. As soon as he saw the prince he smiled.

"My prince, what brings you here?" The duke asked as he bowed lightly and got up again.

"Well, hello, duke Normandy, miss." The prince said as he nodded towards the duke and his sister.

The prince grabbed where he had thrown his sword on her shoulder and tightened his grip around her shoulder, Eleanor handled well her pain not showing any sign of pain, the prince just nodded and smiled.

"So, you are going at the knight's academy, right?" The prince asked as he let go of her shoulder.

"Well, yes I'm planning too but I'm not too sure if it will be a good idea, I'm too weak." Eleanor said as the duke just started at her in disbelief.

"Oh really? Then how did you hit Edward in his face?" The prince asked as he looked at Edward.

"I was scared because he started to chase me out of nowhere, so it was a reflection." Eleanor said as she looked over at Edward.

"But my prince, are you okay like this, I mean getting this early out of bed when you were almost killed?" Eleanor tried to be clueless.

"Yeah, I am recovering fast, but what are you doing here duke?" The prince asked the duke as he was confused as why the duke was here as well.

"Well, last time when Lea got out, she was ambushed by a group of guys, so I won't let her alone anymore." The duke said as he looked behind the prince. "And I think you know well what I'm talking about." The prince nodded.

"Yeah, I know, luckily someone called for us and we took care of the situation, but how did you end up bathed in blood, miss Normandy?" The prince asked again as he looked at her with a smiling face.

"Because I hurt two of them unintentionally, but thanks to you I-" The prince cut her off.

"Then why were you cold to me? Actually, not cold, you even lied to me." He came closer and whispered in her ear. "Even threatened me." Eleanor was frozen, but she got the situation on her hands quickly.

"Indeed, I did kill them all, and you were in my way to kill the one who raped and burnt my mother alive, so I think this makes you my enemy too. So, get your dogs and get away from my property." Eleanor said as her hands trembled a bit, she wasn't ready to fight the prince again. The prince just scoffed and smiled.

"Sure, I will keep this a secret between us, but we will see each other in the academy again, so tighten you grip before then." Siad the prince as he turned around and left, so did Eleanor, she turned and went to the house, she didn't listen to anyone, she was tired from all the working she had done.

Everyone called her, she just fell on the couch and held her head, soon she fell asleep. The duke and Tatiana came in, they found Eleanor laying there uncomfortably, so the duke took her in her arms and went straight to the bed room and let her sleep in the bed, he covered her and got out.

"I wanted to apologies to what I said before." Said Tatiana. The duke turned towards her and sighed.

"Apologize later, she is sound asleep, she hasn't slept good this last two weeks." Tatiana nodded and they both went to the living room where Louis was.

"She looked like she had a lot of abilities, she had a good fighting posture too, and it looked like she had a lot of experience on fighting." Said Louis, the duke sat on the couch.

"Well of course, she almost killed the prince, and not to mention she fought with 11 men last night I think." The duke said as he looked at Louis, Louis was shocked.

"But if she tried, she could get better in a matter of time." Louis said as he fixed his posture.

"That's why we are here, John can you bring Albert here?" John was standing behind the duke.

"Yes, sir, and his name is Alfie, not Albert sir." John said as he went to get Alfie outside.

"Y-yes sir, did you ask for me?" Alfie said as he was walking on eggshells. The duke looked at him, but this time he examined his posture and his likely skills that he might use.

"Come here, come next to me." Alfie came next to the duke and sat down, the duke sighed and smiled.

"Alright, listen Alfie boy, we will train you to become Lea's bodyguard, and I don't care what kind of hard ships you might go, but don't worry, you will be strong in a matter of the time." The duke got up and headed towards a room, they all were left speechless.

Tomorrow when all of them woke up and gathered in the living room except Eleanor, she was late. The duke started to get worried and decided to go to her room. The duke heard her panting, she was breathless, then he heard a loud thud, she fell on the ground, the duke was worried and knocked.

"Lea, are you alright?" He asked and was about to open the door when Eleanor opened the door. She was all red in her face.

"Sorry father, I was a bit tired, so I decided to train a bit in the room." She said as she held her head with her hand.

"Alright then, change your clothes and come, we are getting ready for the training." The duke said as he was about to leave, Eleanor just nodded and closed the door, she changed and all of them went outside.

"You must be Lea, right?" Louis got close to her and asked her.

"Yes, sir." Was all she said without looking at him, she just held a knight's posture, Louis was impressed she had a unique concentration, at least that's what they thought.

"Alright, you will fight with your aunt Tatiana, I want to see your skills." Louis said as he sat down on the chair and crossed his legs.

Eleanor got in the position and was about to fight. Tatiana was also ready, as they got into the position Tatiana started the first move, she tried with a high kick, which Eleanor tilted her body the other side and sent a punch towards Tatiana side stomach and hit her, Tatiana just smiled and grabbed her hand and pulled her towards her body, which Tatiana took her by her neck and took her on headlock, Eleanor locked her body with her arms and tried to pick her up, which she succeeded and she threw her behind making Tatiana fall and so does Eleanor.

Eleanor starts panting again, as she got up, she started to feel dizzy. Tatiana talked something towards her but she couldn't hear her at all, Eleanor straightened up and as she took a step towards her, she lost unconsciousness.

Sorry I couldn't post last week >_<

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