Chapter 4

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"It wasn't a big deal, there was an explosion in her mansion, it looked like someone tried to kill young miss and her mother, they were on the second floor and it wasn't a way out so I jumped from the window and crashed on the ground with them on my hands." As the butler was explaining the duke arrived.

"So where is her mother then?" The duke asked the butler, the butler got up.

"I'm sorry my lord, she was burned alive, it looked like someone wanted her mother first dead so they had abused her, and then they tied young miss and started the arson, I'm sorry I got there late my lord." The duke looked at him, then at little Eleanor.

"Don't worry, you did all that you could, did you get how many there were?" The duke asked as he was approaching little Eleanor.

"No sir, but by the look of it there were at least four to five men, since they put the fire equally everywhere." The butler was quick to catch the situation, the duke turned around and got close to the butler.

"You did a good job; now rest I will handle this situation. Thank you for saving my little daughter." The duke got out of the room and went to his office. His office was quite big, he had shelfs on the wall with all kind of books, he had his own table with lots of papers and ink, the windows were right behind his chair where he sits, as the moonlight was shining on the table, the duke went to the right and touched one of his plants which it opened a secret door, he went in to search for something, that room was average it had shelfs in there with different documents for everyone that was high in status, the duke even had the emperor's documents in there.

He searched for every different kind of arsons, he found three to four documents with the same leads like what happened tonight, he thought that the emperor wanted to get rid of Mrs. Wright, she might have something up her sleeve. It's weird no matter how much you look at it, well the duke just went on the notes searching for arsons that were committed before. For some kind of reasons, he wound some similarities, he frowned, got these papers and got out, locking the secret room and getting out of the office. He went straight to little Eleanor's room, he arrived and got in, he was searching threw her things, if she could find anything that was related to that paper that he had in his hands. As he was finding something the butler came in the room thinking that someone broke in. The butler found out that it was the duke in the room and sighed.

"Good sir, I didn't know you were here." The butler lowered his head.

"Don't worry, what are you doing here anyway?" The duke asked getting up.

"I came here because the young lady asked me to bring her something." The duke looked at him suspicious.

"What is wrong with your voice, John?" The duke asked the butler, but the butler froze on spot, then he attacked the duke, he stopped his hand, he had a little knife in his right hand, the duke was furious.

"Where the hell is John?" His eyes were shining red, he looked very mad. The assassin was sweating while looking at the duke.

"H-he...... h-he is in t-the...... carriage with the young lady." He said trembling, he looked afraid of the duke, well who wouldn't be, everyone thinks that he is a monster who only loves to work or to kill.

He knocked him out and tied him up, he left as soon as possible to catch that carriage, he barely caught the carriage.

"For fucks sake, just you wait, I'll be ripping your soul out of your goddamn bodies." He got on a horse, as it started raining, he still rode the horse and chased after the carriage, soon he caught the carriage, he got rid of them man in charge of the carriage, he opened the door of the carriage and saw only the butler, he didn't see little Eleanor. He got mad, but his priority was to take the butler and get back home, he didn't have any clue where she could be.

"Call the physician right now!" He shouted and the maids came along with the physician, he let the butler on the ground and got up running towards the room where little Eleanor was getting medical care, as soon as he arrived, he saw two men getting inside, but that didn't go as they planned.

"Fuckers, you're one of the imperial dogs, aren't you?" He said as he was walking towards them, frowning but smiling, he raised his hand and started letting loose his collar tie.

"Now prepare to give the emperor the message that I'm about to give you." He snaps and starts to beat them up, until they fell unconsciousness, as he entered the room, he found little Eleanor laying peacefully on the bed. He was relieved to see her sleeping peacefully, he sat on the floor looking at her, he sighed.

"Thank God you are safe, I was about to turn this empire upside down just for you." He smiled while he rested his head on the mattress.

"I thought I wouldn't see you again. You're never leaving my side again. Not at least until you are trained." He sighed, he looked around and dragged the chair sitting next to her, he stayed like that, without even getting a little bit of sleep, until the morning came.

There was a light knock that came, he looked towards the door and saw the butler.

"Hello, my lord, I'm sorry I made you worried like last night." The butler apologized.

"It's alright John, what matters to me is that you two are safe and sound, and can you move that you're out of bed?" The duke asked the butler pointing at his injuries.

"Ah, yes, you don't need to worry about them, now I will be reporting, there were at least five guys that were about to fight me, they all came rushing to me to fight, I thought I could take them on by myself, but the injuries that I saved young miss from before started hurting." The butler started speaking, or better giving him, the report to the duke.

"Of course, it would hurt moving like that, I suppose they were the imperials dogs, right?" The duke asked while he got up and opened the door just to find the same people of last time tied up before the room.

"Yes sir, and it turn out that they were the same people that killed the young miss's mom-" The butler was cut off.

"So, it was the emperor that killed my mom?" Little Eleanor was sitting on her bed, neither the duke or the butler could hear her when she sat on the bed, which it caught the duke of off guard, but she was looking at the butler with a death stare, which the butler was really surprised.

"Young miss-" The butler couldn't finish off his stances because of guilt.

"Lea, I'm sorry about what happened but first you need to relax okay?" The duke asked her carefully, he started going next to her.

"Father, can I see which men where that did those things to my mother?" She looked at the duke like she was saying 'let me punish them in your stead'.

"Unfortunately, they are the same people, and you need to stay here and rest." The duke said, but Eleanor didn't listen to him at all, she looked down at the duke's hands, then back at the duke again, she got up and opened the door finding four men tied up.

"So, father, where they the people that made your hand that way?" She wasn't looking for a straight revenge to what happened to her mother, she needed a reason to what happened to the duke's hand.

"You don't need to worry about this Lea." The duke said as he stood beside her watching the men on the ground.

"Who dares to touch the duke, and by who's order?" She asked at them with blood thirst, she wanted to takes his head off, whoever he or she was.

The duke looked at little Eleanor, he smiled, actually he was happy that she wasn't like other girls. The men on the ground were squirming, they were afraid of what exactly would happen next.

"John, luckily, I was fast enough to knock all of them, so I took the herb that they were hiding on their teeth, the drug is in the table, tell the physician to keep it, and send them down on the basement, we have some work to do. Now Lea, why don't you go and lay down, you must be tired, or do you need me to stay next to your side?" The butler was amazed by little Eleanor braveness.

"I will be leaving then, my lord, young miss." He went out shutting the door.

Little Eleanor turned towards the duke, she looked him in the eyes, she was already crying.

"Can you train me to kill them, please?" Little
Eleanor asked the duke, he hesitated first but asked her. The duke got on his knee and looked at her eyes.

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