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" I'm sorry you must have got bored with the SDA visit. " Jimin apologized as they were now siting inside the restaurant having dinner. It was delicious by the way.

" I was not at all bored. In fact it was kinda impressive. " Jungkook assured and jimin smiled widely.

" I know right?! It was so beautiful. Now I really wanna learn from there. I applied for it two times but was not accepted so I was really sad and about to give up...... But when I visited the SDA today it was like a new kind of motivation." Jimin explained and jungkook smiled at him.

" So now you're gonna apply for it for the third time. Right?"

" Of course I will. " Jimin replied immediately.

" Good. " Jungkook praised with a proud smile.


" Where the fuck are they?! It's 8:30! " Taehyung said pacing around the living room.

" Tae we talked about it today only. " Hobi said.

" I know but...... Why would they be so late? Do you think jungkook hyung have done something to jimin?"

" Baby jungkook is your brother. Why can't you trust him?"

" He's a mafia boss for gods sake. You don't know the things he had done so please excuse me if I don't fully trust him. " Taehyung said and hobi shook his head tiredly.

" Okay fine. Just call jimin then." Hobi said and taehyung took out his phone to dial jimin.

" Fuck! "

" What happened? "

" His phone is switched off! What the fuck!" Taehyung said trying again and again.


" Oh no. "

" What's wrong? " Jungkook asked the smaller.

" My phone is dead." Jimin whined.

" I have a charger in my car. Don't worry." Jungkook assured and jimin nodded before putting the phone down.

" Sir do you need something for drink? " A waiter asked.

" Yeah red wine for me. And jimin? " Jungkook asked looking at the younger.

" Uhm.. No I'm good. " He said the waiter nodded and went away to prepare jungkook's order.

" You don't drink? " Jungkook asked confused.

" No I.... Not really. "

" Why? "

" It's bitter! " Jimin said while giggling making jungkook smile as well.

" Oh. I forgot you just like sweet things. " Jungkook teased and jimin giggled once again.

" Taehyung made me try it once. But it was not really my thing. So I never tried it again. " Jimin explained and jungkook shook his head with a smile.


" It's switched off. Hyung must have done something. Oh my god! " Taehyung shouted and hoseok really just wanted to go lie down in bed. Even though it was only 9:30 but he was really tired today.

" Taehyung, jimin is not jungkook's enemy. Why would he do anything to him in the first place? "

" I don't know! "

" Let's just go to sleep. I'm really tired and I think you're overthinking everything right now. " Hobi said rubbing his eyes.

Taehyung sighed and looked at his boyfriend guiltily. " Baby I'm really sorry. You can sleep okay. I'll join you once jimin and hyung comes back. "

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST ( JIKOOK) Where stories live. Discover now