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"I'll take your bags upstairs. You drink some water and relax. Okay?" Jungkook suggested.

They had just entered jungkook's penthouse and jimin was looking extremely exhausted by everything that happened today. Jungkook had called someone to clear up the apartment and had told the landlord that jimin won't be living there anymore.

He also paid the rent that was pending this month ignoring jimin's constant protest. Jimin finally calmed down after jungkook assured him that he can give the money back to jungkook once he has it. But that was just a way to make jimin shut up with his protest. Like hell he's gonna take money from jimin. Jimin is his and it's jungkook's duty to spoil him rotten.

Jimin just nodded at jungkook's suggestion. A little tired smile made its way on lips lips when jungkook kissed his forehead tenderly.

He watched as jungkook picked up jimin's bags and walked upstairs towards the bedroom. Jimin looked down with a tired sigh. He was still trying to process everything that happened today.

Who will do such a thing to him? And why?

Jimin has never done anything bad to anyone. Ever. Then why would someone try to hurt him like that. Does he really have a stalker? Does his stalker do this?

Somehow he can't believe that theory. Why would he have a stalker? He's not some celebrity or anything. What would that stalker even get from him? What if it's not a stalker? What if it's someone else?

All kinds of questions just keep coming again and again in his mind. And answers to them were nowhere near. He felt his whole body drained from all of the energy.

It's funny......how just yesterday jimin was thinking how everything was going so well in his life. His new apartment, new job, SDA, his relationship with jungkook. He was so happy with how everything was going, thinking he had control over his life for the first time in years. But he was so so wrong. Just when he thought that his life was finally on track everything just burned down to ashes. His happiness, his dreams, his desires, everything.

He lifelessly walked towards jungkook's expensive couch before sitting down on it with another tired sighed. He removed his shoes and curved in on himself on the huge couch, head resting on the couch headrest while he stared into the space with distant eyes.

Why does this always happen to him? Why him? His whole life had been miserable and just when he thought something good was finally happening, it got ruined. Why is his life so miserable? Is it ever gonna get better? Or is it just his fate to suffer?

He heard some tapping sounds on the marble floor and saw bam running over to stand in front of the couch. A very small, barely there smile appeared on jimin's lips when bam innocently looked up at jimin before he began licking at his palms that were resting on his lap. Jimin was too exhausted to move or speak so he just caressed bam's head. Bam also noticed how jimin didn't greet him with his usual excitement this time and sensed that the human was sad. So he rested his head on jimin's lap and looked up at him with his puppy eyes.

A soft, fond laugh left jimin's lips at the gesture as he caressed bam's head. Jungkook was walking down the stairs when his eyes fell on the scene in front of him. He smiled fondly at that, it almost looked like bam was comforting jimin.

"What are both of my babies doing?" He asked making his presence known to the two. Bam ran towards him to greet him and once jungkook petted his head, he ran back to jimin to place his face on his lap once again.

Jungkook laughed and jimin too let out a small smile at that. "I think he likes you more than me." Jungkook said sitting beside jimin on the couch, body turned to face the younger.

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