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A/N : Sorry in advance if there are any mistakes.



" Jimin!" Jimin was startled awake by taehyung shaking him vigorously.

" W..what? What happened?" The smaller got up frantically looking around in panic.

" Nothing happened. I was just waking you up." Taehyung smiled cheekily and jimin wanted to punch him but he's strictly against violence.

" What do you want?" Jimin whined trying to lay back down but taehyung pulled him to keep him siting.

" Let's go to the office." Taehyung said as jimin rubbed his eyes.

" Office? Whose office?"

" Dad's office.....No actually Jungkook hyung's office. Since he's the CEO now." Taehyung said and the remaining sleep that was left in jimin's body was immediately gone at the mention of older's name.

" W..why?"

" I just wanna go. I'm really bored and it's been long since I last visited the office."

" B...but you said you don't like business stuff." Jimin reminded him.

He can't go to office. He's shy. And he knows jungkook will for sure be there. One part of him is excited to go and see the older but the other part of him is so intimidated. And top of that he would feel so out of place.

" I need some inspiration for my new works. I'm trying to change my concept this some modern thing." Taehyung explained.

" But....but then why office? You can go to other places like's modern..."

" Jimin. Are you scared to go to office?" Taehyung interrupted with a straight face.

" What? I'm not. I'm not." He tried to dismiss showing his fake confidence.

" Okay fine then. Get ready let's go." Taehyung said and got up from the bed before he tried to pull jimin too. But jimin pulled him back to sit down.

" Wait. But like......why is it necessary to go? Let's go somewhere else."

" No we're going to office. Come on."

" I...Jungkook hyung will scold you because you'll be disturbing him while working."

" Oh hello?! I'm the son of the Jeon Empire too. " Taehyung said looking offended.

" We'll disturb the employees there." Jimin tried again and taehyung laughed loudly.

" You're so cute jiminie." He pinched jimin's cheeks while laughing. "We won't disturb anyone. And you're too small, they wouldn't even see you." Taehyung teased and laughed at jimin's offended face.

" You're so mean! I'm not talking to you." The smaller tried to turn around but taehyung held him back.

" Okay okay I'm sorry. Just get ready okay? " 

" You go. I'll stay here." 

" What will you do here alone? Get ready or I'll drag you there in this state." Taehyung warned and jimin looked down to see his current state. He was wearing his night wear while his hair were all over the place. 

" I..I'll get ready." He said defeated and threw the covers away to get up while taehyung looked proud of himself.


Jungkook was siting inside his office going through his emails, when his phone rang. He picked it up to see taehyung calling him.

" What?" He asked calmly.

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