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Jimin walked out of the bathroom to where taehyung and hobi were siting as he showed them off his outfit. He was wearing a black jeans along with an oversized white shirt which has a slight off shoulder neckline, showing off jimin's beautiful, dainty neck and sharp collarbones. He decided to tuck the oversized shirt in his jeans. The black jeans looked as if it's made for jimin as it hugged jimin's thick thighs and round ass perfectly.

Jimin stood nervously waiting for his friends reaction who had their eyes wide and mouth open in shock.

" Jimin......you're so fucking hot and gorgeous." Taehyung said and hobi nodded in agreement.

" Really? Guys it's neckline is kinda..."

" That's the best part of the outfit."  Taehyung cut him off. 

They both were all ready and looked so good and now they've decided to become jimin's guardian angel and took upon themselves to get jimin ready.

Taehyung sat him down for doing his makeup and the smaller have requested him earlier to not put any useless products on his skin. Just eye makeup and lip tint. So taehyung only did a smoky eye makeup on him which made jimin look so bold and gorgeous and enhanced the beauty of jimin's hazel brown eyes. And with a cherry lip tint he was finally ready.

" Okay good let's go now..." Jimin began.

" No wait accessories!" Hoseok reminded. " Oh yeah i forgot!" Taehyung exclaimed and jimin sat back on the stool with a smile. He really love his bestfriends a lot.

Taehyung placed a gorgeous crystal butterfly pendant on his neck along with a pair of crescent moon earrings. "Okay perfect!"

" Are you being this nice to me to compensate for later tonight when you guys will leave me alone to make out somewhere?" Jimin asked with a teasing smile.

" Uhh....About that ..." Taehyung began with a smirk and jimin hit his shoulder playfully.

" Okay come on boys let's go!" Hoseok exclaimed and placed one hand over taehyung's shoulder and other on jimin's before began dragging both of them out of the room.

They were talking and laughing on some joke hobi cracked while walking down the stairs as they noticed jisoo, jay, yoongi, jin and namjoon standing in the living room all ready.

" Oh they are here!......Where is jungkook?" Jay said.

" He must be on his way to the club." Jisoo said.

" Wasn't he staying here?" Taehyung asked confused.

" No he went back to his place in the afternoon. Bam was missing him and he was not cooperating with the dog sitter so jungkook had to go." Jisoo replied and jimin furrowed his eyebrows.

" Who is bam?" He whispered curiously to taehyung.

" His doberman." Taehyung replied and jimin nodded.

'He have a dog too. ' Jimin thought with a dreamy smile but then shook his head. No jimin...Just Friends remember? He reminded himself while mentally pouting.

" Let's go." Yoongi said breaking jimin out of his thoughts as they all began walking out of the mansion.

" All the guest are already at the club." Jay informed.

" Wow.....guest are already at the venue and bride and groom and still here." taehyung shook his head faking his disappointment as jisoo hit the back of his head in a scolding manner.

" Did you guys booked the whole club? " Jimin asked as he sat with hobi and taehyung in the car.

" Yeah." Taehyung said.

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