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Jimin walked inside the empty spacious apartment along with taehyung and hobi. They were there to visit the new apartment. Taehyung have found the advertisement somewhere and have immediately called the landlord. So here they are.

" It's beautiful. " Hoseok said looking around.

Jimin too was smiling at the beautiful apartment. It was so spacious, one of the living room wall was covered with glass from floor to ceiling giving a breathtaking city view. Jimin was already thinking of ways to decorate his new apartment.

" This is the bedroom." The landlord said, showing them another big, spacious room.

" This is beautiful! Jimin?" Taehyung said turning to jimin. " What do you think? Your decision will be the final one."

" I love it. It's like my dream house." Jimin said happily making taehyung and hobi smile.

" Great! So should I consider this a yes then?" The landlord asked and jimin looked at taehyung and hobi before nodding.

" Wonderful. I'll arrange the paper works." Landlord said before leaving for somewhere.

Taehyung jumped up excitedly and hugged jimin.

" This is amazing. See, we even got an apartment so quickly. It's like God is finally doing something good to us." Taehyung cheered.

" Right. I still can't believe we're getting such an amazing apartment in such a low rent." Jimin said happily.

" I know but......isn't that kinda suspicious. I mean seeing the locality and the apartment I thought that the rent will be much higher." Hobi worried.

" Oh baby.....don't be so negative. Just believe that something good is finally happening. It's a great deal we shouldn't miss it. And it's also very safe neighborhood." Taehyung said rubbing hobi's shoulder who thought for a second before nodding and smiling at jimin and taehyung.

" Let's go do the formalities then, from tomorrow we have to help jimin shift too." Hobi said as they began walking out of the apartment towards where the landlord was.

" Are you done packing for Seoul?" Jimin asked curiously.

" I'm almost done. Just need to recheck a few things then done. "



Jimin picked the carton, that was a bit too big for him as he wobbled his way inside his new apartment. The living room was already filled with various other cartons, containing jimin's things. They have already shifted the furniture like the bed and couch from their old apartment to the new apartment with the help of some men taehyung hired. And now they were arranging some other of jimin's belongings. 

Jimin picked out a frame from the carton, it was jimin's photo with his parents, he was 5 years old, his father had picked him up on his shoulders and his mother was smiling at them both. Jimin's own eyes were turned into crescent due to how big his smile was. Jimin looked at with picture frame with a sad smile before he gently placed it on a wooden shelf that was placed in the corner of the room, which also had a beautiful vase too. Jimin took out another frame which was a photo of him, taehyung and hobi. All three of them smiling widely at the camera. Jimin smiled and placed the frame along with earlier one.

" Jimin I've arranged all your toiletries in the bathroom, it's all set up." Taehyung said coming out of the bathroom and jimin smiled and nodded.

Hobi was busy setting up the couch at its right place and arranging the coffee table. Jimin got up and walked to take care of the bedroom.

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