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" Where's the flash drive you fucker?! " Sungho yelled landing a hard punch on the man's jaw.

" I d...don't know... I swear... " He was cut off by another punch as the man spitted out blood from his mouth.

Jungkook sat on the chair in the huge garage. As he watched the scene with bored eyes. It's nothing new for him. But this jerk have a USB flash drive which had some very important information and it'll be a huge loss if the flash drive gets in the hands of their rivals. Especially Sehun.....Jungkook's biggest rival.

Jungkook rested both of his legs on the table in front of him as he rubbed his temples, his head was hurting because the man was whimpering like a bitch. So fucking annoying.

Sungho kept on kicking and punching the man holding his collar and trying to intimidate him into answering. But the bastard didn't spoke. And jungkook was bored now. He'll find the USB by himself. He don't wanna hear anymore of this man's voice.

So he abruptly got up from his seat making all the guards stand in a straighter posture. Sungho stopped beating the man and stood up still, waiting for jungkook's order.

The beaten man's eyes widen when he saw jungkook approaching. He began whimpering again and jungkook rolled his eyes at the pathetic man.

He finally reached the man who was kneeling down on the floor as sungho stood behind him.

The beaten man joined his hands in front of jungkook. " P....please Mr Jeon pl..please let me go. I really don't know where it is. Please let me go... " The man cried and begged.

Jungkook titled his head a little as he observed the man kneeling before him. The look of fear in the man's eyes and the way he was begging jungkook to spare his life. The feeling was euphoric. The same euphoric feeling that he got when he kissed jimin. He felt a surge of power and control flowing through his body when he saw the man in front of him begging to be spared.

It was like a high that he always chased. He was the one in control. If he wants the man to be dead, he will be dead. If he wants the man to be alive, he will be alive. It's in his control. He's the one with power here. And he fucking loves it.

" Let you go?.... That's exactly what I'm doing. " Jungkook said with a smirk and the man looked at him confused.

Is jungkook letting him go? How is that possible? But he thought to not think much into it. Instead he bows in front of jungkook while still kneeling down in front of him.

" Thank you. Thank you so much Mr Jeon." He kept on bowing.

" Sungho!" Jungkook shouted, making the man flinch at the sudden noise.

" Yes hyungnim? "

" Bring that hammer." Jungkook ordered but didn't take his dark gaze away from the man kneeling before him who now looked at him with huge scared eyes.

Sungho picked up the hammer from the table and walked towards them. The man began crawling away on the floor trying to get away but jungkook landed a hard kick on the man's chest making him fall down on the ground while screaming in pain.

" Where are you going?" Jungkook chuckled. "I told you I'm gonna let you go.....Let you go away from this world." Jungkook said and laughed maniacally while the man shivered in pain and fear.

" S...sir please...aahhhh...." He shouted as jungkook landed another kick on his chest as now he was fully lying down on the floor while curling in on himself in pain.

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