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A/N : Hey guys I'm back. Sorry in advance if there's any mistake.


" Oh jimin. I would've loved if you stayed a bit longer." Mrs Jeon said making jimin smile.

It was the next morning when jimin was in the living room with Mr and Mrs Jeon, taehyung and hobi as jimin was finally ready to move.

There's actually not much work to do in the new apartment. It's already fully furnished. Jimin just have to move his three suitcases a few cartons containing his personal things and then decorate the house according to his liking. He likes to add personal things to make it look like home.

" I too would've loved to stay, but I had to move one day or another. I wanted to be properly settled in before SDA starts."

" Hmm. I get it. But keep on visiting otherwise I'll personally come there to scold you. " Mrs Jeon said, playfully pinching jimin's cheeks who giggled and nodded.

" And also we're having our 50th marriage anniversary party in a few days. You're very much invited. And you have to come. No excuse will be accepted. " Mr Jeon added.

" Of course I will uncle. Thank you for letting me stay. "

" Oh no need for fomalities jimin. You're just like our son." Mrs jeon dismissed and gave him a warm hug. "All the best with your apartment and dance academy."

" Thanks. " Jimin replied shyly.

Suddenly the sound of a car being parked was heard and after a few minutes jungkook walked inside the house. Jimin smiled widely and tried to calm down his excitement. Jungkook was wearing a casual white shirt with black pants, his sleeves were folded up and jimin was just about to faint. Jungkook is just so hot.

" Hey everyone." Jungkook said as Mrs Jeon hugged him tighthly.

" What are you doing here?" She asked not expecting jungkook to be here.

Jungkook rarely comes here. It's only once in a month during family dinner. Or when he have to discuss something with his father. But these days he's been coming frequently and Mrs Jeon is not stupid. She could tell it's because of jimin.

" I promised jimin. I'll help him move in the new apartment." Jungkook said his eyes falling on jimin. Scanning every inch of the younger boy with his intense eyes while jimin blushed.

Jimin was wearing a black silk shirt which was had an off shoulder kind of neckline along with a skinny jeans that hugged his ass and thighs perfectly. A butterfly pendant adorning his dainty neck. He looked angelic but also sinful, if that even makes sense.

Taehyung raised his eyebrows at jungkook's words and looked at jimin with a knowing smirk. Jimin skillfully avoided his bestfriends's gaze and instead looked at jungkook.

" Oh really? But jimin just have three suitcases. I mean the apartment is already furnished so there's really no need for any work." Taehyung said, the teasing evident in his tone.

Jungkook glared at taehyung before rolling his eyes and looking back at jimin.

" Uh no!" Jimin interrupted quickly. "I still need help in decorating. Beside I'm baking cookies for hyung." Jimin said shyly as jungkook smiled at him.

Taehyung and hoseok looked at jimin amused but decided not to say anything.

" Great then. Let's go in my car." Jungkook said as he ordered for the staff to pick up jimin's belongings and load them in his car's trunk.

Jimin bowed at Mr and Mrs Jeon one last time before they began walking out of the mansion. Once jimin and jungkook were walking side by side towards their car. Jungkook leaned down a little, closer to jimin's ear.

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