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Jimin opened the door of the empty apartment and walked in. Taehyung was at hobi's helping him with packing for Seoul. It was just 7 pm and jimin was just back from dance class. He have to go for his shift at the club. He got inside his room and placed his bag on the bed before opening his cupboard and taking out fresh clothes, he got inside the bathroom. 

After taking off his sweaty clothes from the dance practice, and throwing it in the basket that's for dirty clothes, he walked inside the shower. He let out a tired sigh as the cold water fell on his tired body. Today, just like any other day, was so tiring. And now he still have to go for his night job. That feeling of being watched was still there but jimin have learned to ignore it. The more he think about it, the more scared he gets. So he tries not to think about it.

Whoever this person is haven't harmed him. So jimin have decided to stop sweating about it. His life is already shitty. He don't need anymore drama. 

He took half an hour in the shower. It's 7:30 now and his shift starts at 8. He was all ready and was now putting on his earring while looking in the mirror when suddenly he remembered something. So he quickly finished wearing his earrings before running towards his desk where his old, barely working, laptop was resting. After switching it on, he immediately opened his email, but his shoulders slouched down when he realized that there's no email from them. After a month, the academy will stop accepting the applications. Eventhough there's still more than half a month left but jimin still can't help but feel insecure that maybe he's just not good enough to be accepted. 

He wiped the lone tear that fell from his eyes. Maybe a nice life is just not in his fate. He'll be left here all alone in Busan, hopping from one part time job to another while trying to survive. He's gonna have to find a new smaller apartment too since the rent of this apartment is too much. It's less expensive when he and taehyung split the rent but jimin alone wouldn't be able to afford it. He don't think his dream of becoming a dancer will ever be fulfilled. He just.....he can't take it anymore. He feel like he's breaking. 

He didn't know when he started crying, but now he couldn't stop. His body was shaking due to the sobs that were leaving him. He quickly wiped the tears and took deep breaths to stop crying. Thankfully the tears stopped and he went to the bathroom to wash his face again. Once he was sure his eyes looked less puffy and red, he finally began leaving his house for his shift. 

He needs to keep himself together.


The music in the club was loud but it was kind of muffled in the locker room. He was silently wearing his apron when jake walked in and opened his locker.

" Kai is back." Jake said and jimin closed his eyes without looking at jake.

" I know. I think I saw him." He mumbled.

" Are you gonna be okay?"

" Yeah. He haven't done anything in so many years. I don't think he'll do anything now." Jimin assured and jake nodded and smiled at him.

" Let's go." He said and jimin followed him out of the room.

An hour passed and jimin was feeling very unnerved. It was not because of the feeling of being watched, he's used to it in these days. But it's the way kai was looking at him. Jimin have noticed that he's always out of his office whenever jimin is working. Jake told him when jimin was away in Seoul, kai didn't came out from his office. He always say that he's out because he wants to make sure they're working hard but jimin and jake both know it's a lie.

Kai usually don't stare that much but today something seems different. Jimin is feeling very uncomfortable, the older haven't stopped staring at him even for like a minute. Today it feels like there's some kind of purpose or determination in his gaze and it's making jimin's skin crawl. He's even getting distracted from his work.

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