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A/N : Another chapter for you loves. Sorry in advance for the mistakes.



Sehun swung his fist hard across the man's jaw making him fall hard on the marble floor with a pained cry.

"One job! I gave you one fucking job! You incompetent cunt!" Sehun shouted, eyes almost turning red due to how angry he was.

The man on the floor grunted and got up with a lot of effort and began bowing down at sehun frantically.

"I'm sorry hyungnim. But I swear I couldn't find it when I searched about him." The man defended.

Sehun just punched him once again making the man to fall down on the floor before he kicked the man on the stomach bringing another painful groan out of his lips.

He crouched down and grabbed the man's hair in his fist. "You told me that jimin's not involved in any romantic relationship."

" Hyngnim I swear when I searched about him there was no evidence that he was in a relationship with someone." The man pleaded.

Sehun looked at him for a second searching for any kind of lies in the man's eyes but he found none. Then he's left with only one explanation. Jimin lied to him! Fucking bitch! If jimin thinks he can get away with it. If he thinks that sehun's gonna let him go like that......then he's so fucking wrong. How dare he lie to him?! Sehun's gonna have jimin one way or the other. And then he's gonna teach that brat how to be a good little whore.

He left the whimpering man's hair from his rough grip before standing up and walking to his chair. "Go and find out who this boyfriend of his is. If there's one in the first place. I'm gonna fucking kill him right in front of jimin." He said and leaned back in his chair with a smirk on his face.

The man quickly got up and bowed at him. "Y..yes hyungnim. I'll go right away." He bowed again and quickly left the office as fast as he could with his limping.


Jimin brushed his hair while standing in front of the mirror in jungkook's bedroom. Jungkook was in the balcony, shirtless, exposing his built,muscular body along with the tattoos as he was just in his grey joggers, leaning on the railing while smoking.

Jimin was freshly showered. He wore his own black bell bottoms that fitted around his waist perfectly and since his clothes were at his place, he took one of jungkook's white shirt that was too big on him. But he tucked it in his jeans and somehow made it look like an oversized white shirt on his black bell bottoms. It turned out to be a really classy and sexy outfit. He brushed his blonde hair, deciding to keep it a little messy but not too much and rummaged in his bag to take out his cherry lip tint and put it on. He wasn't wearing any makeup since it was kept at his apartment and jungkook didn't had any.

He looked at jungkook's dressing table and picked up his perfume. Is it strong? Usually the masculine perfumes are too strong. Jimin doesn't like them. But then he was reminded of how jungkook smells like. The older's scent is masculine and musky and it smells so so good that jimin literally melts whenever he gets the whiff of it. He likes how jungkook smells. Jungkook's scent is masculine and jimin usually uses feminine, light perfumes and sometimes he didn't use perfume at all......he usually uses it on special occasions. But he somehow wants to smell like jungkook today.

Just in time the balcony door slides open and jungkook enters back in the bedroom, smiling at the sight of jimin.

"What's up beautiful?" He asked, voice deep and velvety.

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