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A/N : Hey lovlies

So this chapter was in my drafts but it required a lot of editing.Today was my holiday so I took some time to edit it for you guys cause I love u all.

BUT the next chapter is probably gonna take some time, since it's my exams, but it won't be long, probably a week long wait, not more than that, I promise. 

Anyways, enjoy the chapter.


The next morning jungkook got out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He saw jimin excitedly roaming around the whole room, trying to find spaces to put on the frames so that it'll look good. Bam was running after him with jimin's fairy lights in between his teeth.

"Bammie! No! You will crush the fairy lights!" Jimin whined trying to take the lights away from his mouth which bam gladly gave away instead opting to lick jimin's cheek, which made the younger whine in frustration even more but bam just jumped around jimin happily. Jimin hated it whenever bam would lick his face. Maybe that's why bam did it so often to jimin.

Jungkook chuckled at the scene in front of him, amusement twinkling in his eyes. "What are you both even doing?" He asked trying to hold back his laugh.

Jimin jumped at his voice, only now noticing jungkook's presence. "I'm trying to make this seven star hotel look like a home. But this little fellow is making it impossible" Jimin said cutely booping bam's nose. Both of them looked at jungkook as if he was intruding on their work.

Jungkook raised his hands in surrender and laughed. "Okay okay. Got it." He said in between his chuckles and began taking out his work clothes to get ready.

He put on his boxers and pants and was now buttoning up his shirt when a pair of small, fragile arms wrapped around his waist. He smiled and turned his head a little to the side, jimin giggled and tiptoed to peck jungkook's cheeks cutely.

"Have a good day at work." He said making jungkook to chuckle fondly, he turned around making jimin to move back but he held onto jimin's hands to wrap it around his waist once again only this time they were facing each other.

Jimin had to look up to meet jungkook's eyes and there was a beautiful smile present on his face. Jungkook brushed a few strands of jimin's hair away from his eyes. "Aren't you gonna get ready for work?" He asked.

Jimin shook his head. "No. Today is Saturday. Daycare is off on saturday and sunday. I just have to go to SDA today." He explained.

Jungkook nodded and kissed jimin's lips lightly. This is good. For two days there won't be any possibility for jimin to meet that sehun. He needs to do something to make sehun from not seeing jimin. Maybe something that will make jimin hate sehun. But what should he do? It's not like he can make jimin quit his job so that he won't see sehun. He had already done enough damage to jimin's apartment. Now, losing his job? Jimin will definitely not take it well. And he doesn't wanna see jimin sad again.

"Hyung? What are you thinking?" Jimin's voice brought him out of his thoughts.

Jungkook just smiled and shook his head. "Nothing. Will you be okay by yourself?" He asked and jimin just giggled while hitting jungkook's chest playfully.

"Of course hyung. I'm not a kid. I'll do the cleaning and then I'll put up my stuff and all this." He said pointing at the frames and lights."

"You don't have to do the cleaning. I'll call the cleaning lady."

"No no. I'll do it. I have nothing to do today anyway. And since I'm living here rent free, I might as well be of some help." Jimin said with a shrug.

"Just look pretty for me, that's your rent." Jungkook joked as jimin threw his head back laughing loudly.

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