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A/N : Will it be considered Stockholm Syndrome if jimin was already in love with jungkook before jungkook kidnapped him?

Tw: suicidal thought (very very brief)

Anyways enjoy the chapter and sorry if there are any mistakes.


"What the fuck do you mean that you can't find him?!!!" Sehun shouted at the man in front of him.

The man had his head bowed down as he gulped in fear. "We seriously can't find him anywhere hyungnim. We searched everywhere. According to our sources jimin did leave Jeon's penthouse but we didn't know where he went. We checked taehyung's and hoseok's house but we couldn't find him there. We even checked his friends from SDA but he wasn't with them too. That's the only people he knows. He doesn't have any relatives or anything."

"You idiot! He must be living in a hotel or motel!!" Sehun shouted.

"We checked every motel and hotel in seoul, hyungnim but he was nowhere. I don't know where he went." The man explained.

Sehun clenched his jaw and banged his hands on his office table in anger. He ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

"That's not possible. Jimin can't hide so skilfully. There has to be something else going on." Sehun gritted when another man knocked on the door.

"What?" Sehun asked.

"Hyungnim, jimin and jungkook both are nowhere to be found." The other man said.

"What do you mean jungkook is nowhere to be found?" Sehun asked confused.

"He has left his penthouse. I inquired about it and the receptionist told me that he has moved out of there to somewhere else. I even checked his parents house but neither jungkook nor jimin were there." The man explained.

Sehun listened carefully and with each word the frustation, jealousy and rage inside him increased tenfold. He gritted his teeth. "Jimin and jungkook both are nowhere to be found.... " He muttered to himself with a pensive expression.

He sat down at his chair and stared at the ceiling with the same pensive expression and after a few minutes passed he let out a loud laugh in disbelief. "That fucking bastard Jeon. He.......he took jimin away before I could." Sehun gritted as the previous traces of his laugh was wiped off his face.

He punched his glass table aggressively creating a small crack in the glass. "Fucking bastard!!! This is my fault actually. How could I take him so lightly?!! How could I?! How could I even think that he will let jimin go that easily. I should've known that psycho would not let jimin go that easily!" He shouted while punching the table once again.

"Find them!!" He shouted all of a sudden. "Fucking search every corner of Seoul or anywhere in the world and find them!!! I will kill that jungkook and fuck jimin right on his corpse. Or maybe I'll fuck jimin right in front of jungkook. That bastard will see how I'll make his sweet, precious boyfriend my fucktoy!!! That whore will beg me to fuck him right in front of jungkook. That jungkook's eyes will bleed when I'll make his precious little jimin be fucked by each and every of my men right in front of him!!" Sehun shouted in rage.

"Go find them!! Now!!"

The other two men bowed and immediately left the room sehun breathed heavily in rage before punching the table once again.

"I'll find you jimin. And then I'll make you pay for every trouble you've put me through."


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