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" Jimin have you seen my earrings? I can't find them anywhere. Maybe it came in your bag by mistake. " Taehyung said barging into jimin's room.

" Oh I haven't seen them. Just check in my bag I'm gonna go shower." Jimin said siting on the bed lazily.

" Seriously jimin?....... Engagement is about to start in an hour and you aren't even ready yet......and why were you sleeping during evening? " Taehyung said looking at jimin as if scolding a child.

Jimin passed taehyung a cute smile. "I'm sorry. You know you were right when you said that this marriage will be a good break for me. I'm compensating for all the sleep that i have to sacrifice for my two jobs. " Jimin said and was about to fall down on the bed again when taehyung slapped his ass hard making the smaller jump.

" Tae!.....I'll tell hobi hyung! "

" Shut up and go shower! Engagement is about to start in an hour. " Taehyung said dragging jimin out of the bed and throwing him inside the bathroom.

" You're so aggressive! " Jimin said before closing the bathroom door as taehyung just fiddled inside jimin's bag to find his earrings.


Jimin sighed in content while lathering up the shampoo in his blonde hairs. Usually when jimin is in shower he tends to contemplate his whole life.

Back in busan he had to get up at 5am for his cafe job from which he gets free by 6pm. Then from 6 to 7 he had to go to hobi's dance studio for practice. It wasn't a compulsory task but jimin wanted to keep his skills polished. He don't wanted to leave his dance behind for his hectic jobs. Then once after done with the dance practice he only got an hour rest and then he had to leave for his bar job which started from 8pm to 10pm.

So that's the reason why he was so behind everything. Like even in highschool he never partied like a normal teenager just because he didn't had enough money. When he became adult he didn't even have to time to date people. That's why he's single with no experience. The only experience he have is of kissing. He had a boyfriend when he was in high school but the boy was a douche so jimin dumped him. The boy was after jimin for a whole year even after the breakup. But jimin was so done with that asshole. The only reason for jimin to dump him was because the boy was continuously pestering jimin to have sex with him. But jimin wasn't ready at that time so he refused the boy saying he needed time but that asshole still kept pestering him. It was almost as if he was there only to have sex with him. And then jimin realised that maybe the boy only wanted sex and not him. So he did what he thought was right. He broke up with him.

Yesterday jimin had the most amazing time than he had in a while. All thanks to jungkook. He blushed when he remembered the incident at the Han River. Jungkook's words echoing in his mind again and again. He suddenly realized that he was smiling to himself like an idiot. Jimin must admit to himself that jungkook is very very handsome. And he does feel attracted to the older. But why would the older like someone like jimin. Jungkook must have so many gorgeous people around him. He must even have a girlfriend or a boyfriend. Hell jimin don't even know if the older is gay or not.

Why was jimin even thinking about it? It's not like he likes the older or anything. Fuck..... Does he like the older? Gosh jimin! How can you like someone by spending just one day with him? Is it possible?

The insecure thoughts were surrounding jimin's mind but suddenly he hissed when some shampoo got inside his eyes. " Ahh no no! " He jumped and stomped his foot as his eyes burned. He quickly tried to rinse his eyes and was able to open it but it still burned like hell.

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