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"Don't try to run, I've made sure there's no way for you to escape." He whispered before leaning down to slightly peck jimin's lips. And jimin was too frozen in fear to stop him.

Jungkook looked at him one last time before he turned around to leave the mansion while jimin just looked at his retreating back with his eyes filled with frustrated tears.

Jimin immediately wiped his tears to instead focus on jungkook. The older now standing in front of the main door of the mansion and was taking something out of his pocket. Jimin keened his eyes and noticed that jungkook took out a key card from his pocket and used the keycard on the device near the door. The door opened showing the front porch and the garden as jungkook walked out shutting the door behind him which was shut close with a click sound indicating that the door was locked.

Okay so the main door opens with that keycard. Does everyone else have it too? Or only jungkook have it? Jimin looked at all the security guards standing at the corner of the huge living room and he knew jungkook hired them to keep an eye on him. So many guards are already guarding outside the gate why are they even required inside the mansion? Jimin had a fleeting thought to ask them for help but then he realized that it's useless. If sungho refused to help him then jimin had no hope in these guards. They literally look like robots walking on jungkook's command.

He thought that maybe he should look for other back doors or something. He might not be able to run away now but he could use the knowledge in case jungkook and his security slips up one day. Jimin surely doesn't plan to stay locked up here forever.

He was about to go look around when a maid walked up to him stopping him in his tracks. "Breakfast is ready sir." The middle aged woman said politely.

Jimin sighed. "I..... I'm not hungry." He said stubbornly.

Jimin could see the hesitance and fear on the woman's face as she gulped. "Uh....sir please have something to eat. Hyungnim......he wouldn't be happy knowing that you didn't eat anything."

Jimin frowned at that. "I don't care what your hyungnim thinks. I'm here by force and I want to get out of here." He spat angrily, letting his frustration seep in his words and tone.

The maid gulped harder looking like she was about to cry and jimin immediately felt bad. He had never talked to someone like that. "P...please sir......h..hyungnim will be really mad at us. He......we can't lose our jobs here please...." She begged.

Jimin felt like an asshole now. He has now realized how jungkook is. He will surely fire these poor people just because jimin refused to eat. Jimin doesn't want these people to lose their jobs just because he's throwing some tantrums.

He sighed. "Okay f..fine. I'll eat." He accepted and the maid let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Thank god." She muttered as if someone gave her a second life. "Please follow me!" She said eagerly guiding jimin to the dining hall of the huge overly luxurious mansion.

He sat down on the dining table and his eyes widen to see the variety of food on the table.

" someone coming? Why there is so much food?" He asked the maid who was arranging the plate in front of him.

The maid smiled. "It's all for you, sir. Hyungnim asked us to make sure you eat well since you seem weak these days." She replied.

Jimin frowned. "Uhm.....I can't eat so much food. My diet is limited. Uh...this much is fine." He said as the maid filled her plate with two pancakes.


"No please this is enough. Really." He assured and the maid looked a bit hesitant but she gave him a nod after a while and left him alone to enjoy his breakfast.

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