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A/N : Sorry in advance if there are any mistakes.


" So kids this is Jimin....our new teacher here." Hari informed in a soft voice to all the kids who were there in the room and looking at jimin with puppy eyes and jimin was literally holding himself back from squishing all of their cheeks one by one.

" Hello everyone. Nice to meet you. I hope we'll get along well." He said with his eye smile that make the kids smile back instantly.

" Hello Jiminie hyung~" They all singsonged and jimin was smiling from ear to ear by now. Even the girls called him hyung which was funny and cute.

" Okay then jimin, I think they already like you. I'll hand it over to you now. All the best." Hari said before patting his shoulders and leaving the room.

It was first day of jimin's new job and he was already getting diabetes with how sweet and cute these little angels are. He have already met his coworkers. They're only five teacher in this daycare including him. Two boys that are, him and Tae Ho and three girls that are, Aerum, Hyeri and Chaewon. 

All of them were so sweet and welcoming towards jimin, but jimin clicked the most with Tae Ho and hyeri. They both helped him out a lot, telling him all the things he had to do and what to be cautious of. So till now it was a pretty good start. 

" Jiminie hyung. Jiminie hyung...Play play.." All the kids from jimin's class surrounded him in circle as jimin bent down to talk to them.

There were a good amounts of kids in the daycare, so they were divided in five classes, assigned to each one of the teachers.

" since I'm new, how about we first introduce ourselves one by one. I wanna know all of you little angels names." Jimin said sweetly and the kids cheered.

" We're angels?" A tiny girl asked and jimin laughed fondly.

" Yes....My little angels." Jimin cooed, pinching the girl's cheeks softly who giggled at the gesture.  

Jimin sat down on his chair and the kids sat down on their own little kids chair as they all introduced themselves one by one. The way they were talking was so cute and jimin was having a baby fever just on the first day of his job. 

" Okay now that we're finished with the you all wanna play a game?" He asked in the voice that's usually used with the kids and all the kids cheered and jumped up from their chairs happily running to jimin.

" How about musical chairs?" Jimin asked and all the kids agreed easily, wide, innconent smile decorating their cute faces.

They began playing the musical chairs. Jimin was in charge of switching the music on and off while the kids played. The room was filled with laughter and the giggles of the kids as they played and jimin stood near the music system, talking to the kids from time to time and smiling fondly at them


" Hyungnim." The guards at the entrance of the mansion bowed at Sehun as he walked inside his father's mansion.

Sehun just ignored the guards while he walked further inside the house with his right hand man, Baek following closely behind him. He was here to have an important talk with his father.

These days they're having a lot of problems with their shipments. Either they're getting cancelled or completely ruined before reaching their clients. And he knows it has to do with that bastard Jeon Jungkook. Eversince he sent that man to kill jungkook and eversince he saw the same man's head served on a silver platter to him by Jeon, everything has been going wrong.

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