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" Name : Park Jimin

Age : 21 

Birthday : 13 October

Grew up in 'Sunshine Orphan Home', Busan

Jobs : Serendipity Cafe as barista, Bartender at Apex Fusion Club

Family: None.

He also goes to the to the dance studio named 'Twistin' Tunes' to take contemporary dance classes. It's owned by his friend, Jung Hoseok.

And you must know that he lives with your younger brother. They both are flatmates." Sungho completed while placing the file on jungkook's office desk.

" That's it?" Jungkook asked while opening the file which had all of jimin's information and his photo attached to it.

Jungkook's eyes stopped at jimin's picture where the latter was smiling beautifully, his eyes turned into crescent moons. 

" Yeah that's it. He's seems like a simple, hardworking boy. " 

" Hmm." Jungkook hummed distracted by jimin's cute photo.

" Is there a problem with him hyungnim? Is he a threat?" Sungho asked worriedly and jungkook looked up at him.

" Does he look like a threat to you?" He asked with an amused chuckle.

" It's personal. " He added and took out jimin's photo from the file.

Sungho smiled at little at jungkook. It's the first time jungkook has asked him to do something like this. "Sorry if I'm intruding but......Do you like him hyungnim?" He asked with an amused smile.

Jungkook leaned back in his chair, eyes not leaving jimin's photo as his thumb unconsciously caressed the photo. "Do i like him?.....Hmm....To be honest i don't know." He replied honestly. 

Sungho was taken aback. Firstly because it was the first time that jungkook ever showed interest in anyone. And second the fact jungkook was replying to his question honestly. But maybe jungkook just needed someone to talk to.

" Can I help you with anything hyungnim?" He asked and jungkook finally placed the photo down on the table and looked at sungho before gesturing for him to take a seat and sungho followed.

" I just.....I don't know what I'll do with him.....I never felt this before....It's frustrating." Jungkook said resting his elbows on the table and rubbing his temples.

" If you like him then......why don't you ask him out?" 

" I can't....I'm not sure what i want yet. But it's just......I can't get him out of my mind." Jungkook explained and sungho listened carefully. Jungkook has known sungho for a really long time, and the latter had always been loyal to jungkook at every step, he even took a bullet for jungkook once and that's when sungho became his right hand man. Usually jungkook don't have much personal stuff to talk about....but when he have....then sungho is only person he could trust to talk to.

" I was thinking of something but I'm not sure if it's okay." Jungkook added.

" What is it?"

" I.....i was thinking know to see if i'll forget about him or not. Or if he'll stop affecting me as time passes. But......."

" But?" 

" But also like....keeping an eye on him as well?" Jungkook said, his sentence almost turning into question.

" You mean.....That you'll try to move on from him but also like stalk him?" Sungho asked looking unsure about the whole ordeal.

" I don't fucking know okay?! I'm new to all this shit! And it's irritating the hell out of me. And on top of that i just can't stop thinking about him!" Jungkook exasperated

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