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" Here. Have some." The man was crouching down in front of jimin and pressed the opened water bottle towards his lips. Jimin lightly held onto the bottle and gulped down the water, giving his sore throat some relief. 

" Are you feeling better now?" The man asked and jimin nodded slowly.

" Jimin!" The man heard a worried voice. They looked up to see taehyung walking towards them and there was another man walking beside him, probably his boyfriend Hoseok. He immediately rolled his sleeves down, hiding his wolf tattoo before taehyung can see it.

" Oh god jimin! What happened?!" Taehyung yelled and crouched down in front of jimin.

" Jimin are you okay?" Hoseok crouched down in front of the younger too.

Jimin looked at his friends and the heavy feeling in his heart finally settled as if he was finally home. Taehyung and hobi took jimin's state as their face paled in fear. Jimin's blonde hair were messy and all over the place, his hazel browns eyes were teary, his cheeks were tear stained but had a red handprint on them. The side of his forehead had a little cut and his bottom lips were bleeding as if someone bit on it very harshly. The most prominent was the hand sized bruise on jimin's dainty, pale neck. They had an idea what must have happened with jimin but they prayed that it wasn't true. Who dared to do this to their jimin?! Was it the stalker?!

" Jimin what happened? Tell me." Taehyung asked frantically.

Jimin tried to say something but the pain in his body was too much and he was only able to let out a whimper. He don't wanna stay here even for a second, he just wanna go home and cry and sleep. Taehyung immediately engulfed jimin in a tight hug and jimin bursted out in tears for the second time that day. That's exactly what he needed, a warm comforting hug to wash off the cruel, disgusting touches. 

Taehyung hugged jimin tightly and jimin just kept on crying on his shoulder holding onto him for life, while hoseok gently caressed jimin's hair to comfort the crying boy.

" Jimin..." Taehyung tried.

" H..home......wanna go home." Jimin finally croaked.

Taehyung and hobi immediately nodded and slowly picked him up. Taehyung placed jimin's arms around his shoulder's to give jimin's weak body some support as they began walking towards the exit.

" You guys go first. I'll go take jimin's belongings from his locker." Hoseok said and taehyung nodded at him.

Taehyung turned to the man who called them. "Thank you so much for helping us." He bowed his head a little to show his gratitude and the man just nodded with a smile before turning around to leave.

Taehyung too began to walk towards the exit along with jimin. He gently placed him in the backseat and sat beside him, but the moment he let go, jimin began shaking in fear. So he sat beside him just so jimin wouldn't panic. 

" It's gonna be okay. Tell us what happened when you're ready. Okay?" He said gently and jimin nodded. 

Soon hoseok came back with jimin's bag and phone in his hands before he took the driver seat and began driving.

Jimin was lying down on the couch, his head resting on taehyung's lap as the latter softly moved his fingers in jimin's silky blonde hair. Hobi and taehyung had helped jimin to take a shower, which jimin immediately took, ignoring the pain since he so badly wanted to wash kai's disgusting touch off his body. And now jimin was resting on the couch trying to build up the courage to tell his bestfriends everything without bursting out in tears again.

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