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Jimin was talking to taehyung while sipping on his martini when suddenly a group of people walked towards them. Jimin know all of them except for two people.There was jisoo, jay, yoongi, jin, namjoon, hobi and two other boys who were new to jimin.

" Hey guys. Here you are! Jiminie finally you are ready." Hobi said ruffling jimin's hair.

" Hyung my hairstyle!" Jimin whined and everyine laughed.

" By the way why were you taking so long to get ready?" Jisoo asked with an amused smile.

" Oh actually when i was showering, some shampoo got into my eyes. So i was searching for rose water and then i have to sit with closed eyes until my eyes were less red." Jimin explained and jisoo nodded in understanding.

" You should've called me. Where did you find the rose water?" Taehyung asked.

" I..."

" I gave it to him." They turned around at the deep voice to see jungkook walking towards them followed by natasha.

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. " Wait.....why did you go to him instead of calling me?" Taehyung asked suspiciously and jimin was about to answer but jungkook interrupted him again.

" We bumped in the hallway when he was searching for you." Jungkook explained.

" Oh okay.....anyways jiminie did you meet jisoo noona's friends?" Taehyung asked and jimin shook his head.

" Right..." Jisoo started. " So jimin...this is Roy....this is Hyungsik and that's Natasha." Jimin saw jisoo pointing at the same girl who was talking to jungkook. 

Jimin waved and passed them a forced smile, his mood going down once again at the images of jungkook and the girl. Suddenly a hand came in front of him asking for a handshake and jimin looked up to see a tall handsome boy with  tattoos peeking from his collar on his neck. Jimin remembered jisoo introducing him as Roy.

Jimin hesitantly placed his hands in roy's but instead of shaking it roy pulled jimin's hands closer to his lips to place a kiss at the back of the smaller's hands. Jimin's eyes widen a little as he really didn't expected it and he was probably red due to his shyness. Why is he so shy all the time? 

" Did anyone ever told you how gorgeous you are jimin?" Roy asked still holding jimin's hands and looking straight in the jimin's eyes who was blushing so hard and really didn't know how to react.

Jungkook dark eyes moved from jimin to roy to jimin's hands in that damn boy's hands. He clenched his jaw as his eyes burned with fire. Why the fuck is he feeling so angry? Jimin is not his. He have no right to feel angry. But he can't help the rage inside of him.

" Yeah he hears that like everyday." Taehyung butted in answering roy's question instead of jimin.

" Tae shut up..." Jimin whispered feeling embarrassed as roy smiled and finally let jimin's hands go.

" I mean they're literally whipped." Taehyung continues and jimin wanted to run away now.

" I don't blame them at all." Roy said still not taking his eyes off jimin.

Jungkook rubbed his temple and looked away to calm himself down. Can he just kill this Roy for fuck sake?.....No wait why is he feeling like this? .....He knew it.....he knew from the beginning that the younger wasn't good for his heart.

" Okay guys.....why are we all siting here like that? Its our engagement! Let's dance!" Jay said.

" There are old people here and it's all slow dance songs. How are we gonna dance? " Hobi said and everyone laughed.

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