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Jungkook was standing in their main hall where the engagement was going on. He was holding a glass of champagne while his eyes scanned over the crowd.

The hall was filled with guests, their relatives, jisoo's friends, their business partners, some mafia people and some guests from jisoo's in law's side.

The engagement was going on in full swing. All of then were enjoying and having fun. Some annoying kids were running here and there while shouting unnecessarily. But it's not a wedding house without kids being annoying as fuck.

Jungkook's eyes fell on the stairs unconsciously to see if jimin was down yet. But he couldn't see him. He took a sip from his champagne when taehyung and hoseok came towards him.

" Enjoying the party hyung? " Taehyung asked as he and hoseok ordered the bartender for their drinks.

" It's not a party. It's an engagement. " Jungkook corrected.

" Yeah yeah. It's the same thing. " Taehyung said and jungkook rolled his eyes.

Suddenly jisoo and Jay joined them with few other people who looked like jisoo's friends.

" Hey guys meet my friends. That's Roy. " Jisoo said pointing at a tall boy who smiled and waved at them. " That's Hyungsik. " She said pointed at another boy " And that's Natasha." Jisoo said pointing at a girl.

Natasha smiled and waved at them but somehow her eyes were stuck on jungkook.

" Guys that's my younger brother Taehyung. That's his boyfriend Hoseok and that's my older brother Jungkook. " Jisoo introduced and everyone shook hands.

Jungkook wasn't really interested but since they were all their guest and jisoo was his sister he tried to pass a smile and shook everyone's hands.

Natasha held his hand a bit longer and jungkook finally noticed the girl. Natasha was staring at him with a coy smile and looked at jungkook with desire in her eyes as if trying to seduce him.

Jungkook was familiar with that stare. He have received it a lot of times. He retrieved his hand back and gulped his champagne down in one go before ordering the bartender for another.

After a little chit chat, the circle scattered around going to greet other guest leaving jungkook and Natasha alone.

Natasha stood in front of him as she tried to start a conversation. And jungkook can't really be rude so he indulged in the conversation. Just minutes into it, jungkook could tell that the girl was flirting with him and even trying to seduce him.

Jungkook somehow didn't found any of it appealing. Usually girls like Natasha attracts jungkook. Like she's pretty and have a nice body but today somehow it didn't felt the same.

But then he reminded himself of how much he was thinking about jimin after knowing him for just like what.... 2 days?

Jungkook never felt like that. It was usually just lust for him and after that he would never see the person again. But jimin was different. Jungkook felt the desire for the boy....strong desire.... He'll admit that. But he also felt some kind of protectiveness over him. Like the boy is his responsibility or something. He felt some kind of fondness that he usually don't feel for people.

Jungkook usually notice a person's exterior qualities because well he's never been interested in knowing a person properly. But he began to notice even the smallest things about jimin, his features, his little cute habits, his nervousness.

It was unsettling for jungkook that how much his mind was occupied by one person. He don't like commitments.

So he needed to distract himself. So even though he had no interest in the girl he still began indulging in her. Flirting with her, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ears and he could see that the girl was literally melting under his touch.

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