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" This taste better than whiskey. I think i like this." Jimin said and he took another sip of his red wine. They both were now sitting on the couch on the rooftop with their first glass of wine. Jimin had his legs folded in Indian style on the couch while jungkook had his legs on the coffee table as they enjoyed the cool night breeze blowing through their hair.

Jungkook smiled at him in amusement and took a sip from his own glass. "I'm glad you liked it." Jungkook said before leaning closer to jimin as if sharing a secret. Jimin leaned close to hear too as they both looked into each other eyes before jungkook moved closer to the younger's ear.  "See i started something new in your life." Jungkook whispered before meeting jimin's eyes again with a smirk on his lips and jimin just blushed before looking down at his lap. Jungkook pulled away before taking another sip as jimin did the same.

" Thank you for that.....By the way tae's gonna kill me! " 

" Why?" Jungkook asked.

" He made me drink for the first time and i found it so gross and didn't try it again. He kept on pestering me again and again but i refused everytime." Jimin explained with a laugh and jungkook smiled and shook his head.

" Why did you try it with me? " Jungkook asked, looking at jimin while tilting his head in curiousity.

Jimin was taken aback by the question maybe because he didn't knew the answer to that.

" I....i don't know....maybe because you're older than me....and m..more mature..." Jimin said.  "It's not like i don't trust taehyung, but he just gets so easily distracted in party's that's why I'm scared that if i get drunk due to my inexperience in drinking then i wouldn't be able to count on taehyung." Jimin explained as jungkook heard him attentively.

" So you're scared someone will take advantage of you when you're drunk?" Jungkook asked, his voice slowly dropping low.

" N..no.....i...i don't know. I just won't be able to get myself back home...."

" What if I'll take advantage of you right now?" Jungkook cut him off as he slowly leaned closer to jimin's face.

Jimin's eyes widen as he bit his rosy red, plump lips nervously and jungkook's eyes followed the moment and he quickly looked back at jimin's eyes before he could loose control because those lips were just too tempting.

Jimin blushed but didn't pull away, shyly looking into jungkook's eyes. "You wouldn't." Jimin whispered. 

Jungkook  stared into jimin's eyes intensely and jimin felt like he could drown in those dark orbs. Suddenly the older smirked and pulled away. "You're right. I won't." He said before picking the wine bottle and pouring some in his glass.

" Want more?" He asked jimin.

" Y..yeah." Jimin said and gave his glass to who jungkook who poured some wine in the glass before giving it back to jimin. 

Jimin took the sip and smiled. He's slowly getting the hang of it. Jungkook sipped on his wine to as he leaned back on the couch before looking at jimin.

" Tell me about anything jimin. I'm listening." Jungkook said.

" What do you wanna know?" 

" Anything....like your interest or...your future plans." Jungkook asked and jimin smiled widely.

" Okay...so except for dancing i love baking because...."

" Because you have sweet tooth." Jungkook completed his sentence with a teasing smile and jimin giggled shyly.

" Yeah because i have a sweet tooth. And sometimes i like reading. But i usually don't get much time because of two jobs." Jimin explained and jungkook nodded in understanding.

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