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" Jimin! Finally you're here. Thank god. Where were you?! Do you have any idea how worried sick i was. Its 11:30! " Taehyung bombarded him with questions the moment jimin and jungkook entered the mansion. 

" Tae i'm fine...."

" What were you guys doing out so late?" Taehyung cut him off looking at both of them sharply.

Jungkook sighed tiredly while unbuttoning a few of shirt buttons from the top just because he was feeling hot and jimin immediately looked away shyly. 

" Tell me!" Taehyung demanded.

" Yeah i took him in a secluded basement and tortured him the whole day." Jungkook said with a bored and sarcastic tone and taehyung rolled his eyes.

" Whatever!....Jimin come with me!" Taehyung said and took jimin's hands in his before pulling him with the him towards the smaller's room.

" Goodnight jimin." Jungkook said with a smirk just to rile his brother up even more.

" Goodnight." Jimin said in between his giggles as taehyung glared at jungkook one last time and kept on dragging jimin. 

Jungkook just shook his head with a smile and walked to the guest room. Eventhough he stays in his own penthouse but he's too tired to drive there now.

" Okay now tell me what happened?" Taehyung asked and closed the door once they were inside jimin's room.

" What do you mean what happened? Nothing happened." Jimin said as he took off his earrings while siting on the bed.

" Jimin you know what i'm asking." Taehyung warned and jimin sighed and tapped on the bed beside him. Taehyung eyed his hands and then sat beside him on the bed.

" We first went for breakfast. Then visited some sights here and there. Then i asked hyung if we can....."

" Wait what did you said just now?!" Taehyung interrupted while looking at him with narrowed eyes.

" We visited some sights...."

" No no no...what did you called him?" Taehyung cut him off again and jimin realized what the other was talking about. A small blush spread on his cheeks at that.

" He asked me to call him hyung...since you know...... he's older.....and that makes sense." Jimin explained and taehyung took a deep breath before nodding.

" Its okay. Its okay. Its just a way to address an elder. Totally okay. No problem." Taehyung muttered to himself and jimin just frowned at his bestfriends wondering what exactly was going on in his head. " Then what happened?"

" Then i asked him if we can visit SDA.....and you won't believe it tae! Hyung knew the owner of SDA and because of him i was able to see the inside of the academy too! Can you believe it?! It's my life long dream tae!" Jimin exclaimed as he laid down on the bed, thrashing his legs around in excitement and hugged his pillow tightly while muffling his excited screams in the pillow.

Taehyung was really happy for jimin but this was making the smaller closer to his brother and taehyung knew it wouldn't end well. He just don't want jimin to get hurt. The poor boy already suffered so much in his life. He just wish jimin would find a nice person that will shower him with love and care. What if jimin will start developing feelings for jungkook? Oh god!

" Tae why aren't you saying anything?" Jimin asked peeking from behind his pillow while still lying down.

Taehyung passed him a small smile and crawled on the bed to lie down beside him. " Then what happened?" 

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