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【Is it my fault?】

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【Is it my fault?】


A few hours passed and Y/N was resting in the room. It was peaceful before the others barged into the room with a sick Nami. Y/N quickly got up from the bed, figuring that Nami needed it more than her. "What happened to Nami?!" Y/N asked as she looked at Nami with a worried look.

"She has a high fever. Her body's burning. We need to do something real quick!"

Fever? Wait- Was it because of me?!

Y/N was scared... Nami's fever was significantly high. 104 degrees, a fever that high could probably kill the person if not treated. "I am sure it was because of me changing the weather back then." She mumbled as she stared at the flooring.

"Y/N..." Vivi mumbled as she looked at the female with sympathetic eyes. "It's natural to catch a fever when the weather changes drastically without a warning."

"Y/N don't blame yourself. I am sure it wasn't because of you. It is normal in Grand Line to catch a fever right? You said you have traveled most of it. You are the most experienced person on the ship right now! Don't stand there and blame yourself! It's time you help us with what you came on this ship for." Luffy lectured her which successfully turned Y/N's morale up and she took it upon herself to treat Nami.

"I'll first check where the ship is heading."

She walked out of the room and asked Zoro about the whereabouts of the ship. "Where is the ship going?"

"Straight ahead!"

"But to where?!"

"I don't know. I just need to keep a watch on that big cloud and seeing if we are going towards it or not."

Y/N clenched her fist and hit Zoro's head "Are you dumb or what?! Clouds move you dumbass, they even change shapes!! What were you even doing out here?!"

"What happened?" Nami asked in her low voice as she walked out of the room. "The weather... There's a big wind coming up ahead... I think."

"I can feel it too," Y/N mumbled and stared at the sky.

"Turn the ship to the south!"Nami instructed and everyone got to work.

"Nami... I know I have been quite a handful for you to handle but take my opinion and rest. You don't have to push your body so much."

"Don't tell me what needs to be done right now. Y/N don't you think you are pushing your body too? You have severe wounds on your body. If they open up, you could die."

"Everyone, I need to ask a favor. I know this is selfish of me, after all, you have done already... But my country is in grave peril, and I've got to get back right away! There's not a moment to spare!! So... I want you to sail this ship at maximum speed and head straight to Alabasta!!" Viva said.

Nami giggled a little and smiled at her "Of course! We promised you we would!"

The rest of the crew remained silent. Wasn't that a little bit too selfish keeping the fact in mind that Nami is not well?

"So, let's look for an island with a doctor as soon as possible. If we want to get to Alabasta we need to get Nami well... So we can get there faster."

Luffy grinned upon hearing Vivi's words "Absolutely!!"

"That's nice... I thought otherwise of you." Y/N said. "Anyways! Everyone listen... Keeping the direction in which we are heading... If I am not wrong we will soon start facing snowfall, so dress up accordingly."

"Why?" Luffy questioned.

"We might be in the direction of Drum Island! It's a winter island covered with snow. I am sure we'll find a doctor there."


"Stop right there!! You pirates. Turn your vessel around and leave now!" The people of Drum Island said. They hated pirates and by no means would let them set foot on their ground.

"We came here to find a doctor," Luffy said.

"WE HAVE A SICK PERSON ABOARD!!" Viva joined him in order to explain their situation to the citizens.


"They are pissing me off now..." Y/N mumbled and slowly started to fly up in the sky but Vivi stopped her. "What in the world do you think you are doing?!"

"If they don't understand with words and I'll ask them with my actions!"

"Don't be stupid! Think before you take action."

"DON'T TALK! GO!!" They shouted and fired at the ship which further angered the crew members. "How dare you?!" Sanji bawled with anger but Vivi stopped him too and the wrestle between the two ended in Vivi getting shot by the people.

"VIVI!!! YOU JERKS!!" Luffy shouted and proceeded to fight them but Vivi was desperate to stop any kind of fight. "Stop! We can't fight them! Don't worry about my wound! It's just a scratch!!"

Vivi then bowed in front of the people with no hint of humiliation in herself "All right. We won't set foot on your island. But can you send us a doctor?! Our navigator is sick. Please help us!!"

Luffy and Vivi had a short conversation that was inaudible to the rest of the members but that resulted in Luffy bowing his head too. "Please call a doctor. Please help our friend!!"

The people of the island had a little change of heart and agreed to take them to the village to meet a doctor. "I'll take you to the village. Come with me. But I should warn you. There's only one doctor in this country and she is a witch.

I hope you enjoyed it <3 Make sure to comment and vote >:3 I love them haha

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I hope you enjoyed it <3 Make sure to comment and vote >:3 I love them haha

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