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【Destiny and Duty】

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【Destiny and Duty】


Her words stunned everyone. They whispered and shared looks with eachother because the statement they just heard was unbelievable. Even Zoro was taken aback because he too didn't expect Y/N to say something like that after coming all the way here to talk to the citizens.

"Princess what do you mean?"

Y/N had an annoyed look on her face "You guys are just pathetic."

And that was all it took for the people to step back and have confused expressions on their faces. Never in the history had a member of royal family spoke in such a rude manner to the citizens and on top of that she spoke in that way to people who are older than her. Y/N disregarded the factors of status and age.

"Y/N what are you saying?" Zoro whispered.

"It's just so pathetic that all of you let the Tiger pirates just take over the kingdom like that. I don't think the citizens of this kingdom were so weak. My mother and the rulers before her did so much to make the kingdom strong and it's just really shameful to see that this is the result. As far as I remember, there is a knight in the royal army from every family because that was a mandatory thing to do. Are you guys even aware why there was such a rule?"

"To have a larger army for protection" someone answered and Y/N let out a laugh. "You really think that was the reason? You are mistaken. It was not to make the army bigger instead it was to make every family strong and capable of protecting themselves. I don't think there was ever an incident where all the knights were asked to protect the royal family. I still remember my mother's orders from the time when a pirate crew attacked the island."

"The elite force are requested to go to the frontlines and the rest to knights are requested to safeguard their families and head towards the bunkers."

"That was what my mother ordered. If the goal was to make the army bigger then she could've just ordered everyone to fight on the frontlines. Atleast one member of every family is strong enough to protect themselves. The training provided to everyone wasn't given so that you all could just let some tiny pirate crew take over the kingdom."

𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐌 | 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐂𝐄 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐂 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now