The king

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Jasmine slowly opened her eyes while slightly confused to what happened, she remembered planning for the trip she was going on with her classmates and in an instant... She remembered how she was pushed down a tunnel to her possible death... And was found by people, she slowly sat up in the plush bed and looked around to find herself in a very fancy room, she was amazed by how it looked and couldn't help but gasp at everything around her "Where in the world am I?" she whispered to herself as she then got up and out of bed.

The furniture looked like the one in pictures of castle rooms, everything also looked handcrafted making her wonder how long it took to be made and how many worked on it, she slowly walked around and found a gorgeous bathroom, it looked almost made of gold and high quality stone that only the rich can get, she walked out and found a pair of double doors, she was just about to open it when she noticed a floor mirror and then saw herself for the first time since she woke up, she saw that she was no longer wearing the previous outfit she put on when she went into the mountain... Now she was wearing something that only the rich could have.

She almost looked like a princess, she didn't think she would ever wear something like this in her whole life, it made her inner omega purr as she felt the silk used to make the clothes she was wearing at the moment, she was so lost and confused o...

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She almost looked like a princess, she didn't think she would ever wear something like this in her whole life, it made her inner omega purr as she felt the silk used to make the clothes she was wearing at the moment, she was so lost and confused on what was happening as then there was a faint knock on the door making her to find a floating white spirit coming in "My lady, the king wishes for you to be cleaned and dressed before meeting with him over diner" she said making her look and nod as multiple spirits flew into the room to take care of her.

She was still so very confused and needed to get answers first "Could one of you tell me what exactly happened and how I got here?" she asked as the spirits float around the room to make her bed and enter the bathroom to get things started, the one who spoke to the omega first blinks a few times before speaking once more "I sadly cannot answer your questions, the king will do it during diner" she explained before leading Jasmine into the bathroom to get cleaned up so she could then be dressed and then meet whoever the king was.

She was guided to strip and then enter the bath, he hair was scrubbed down first using multiple products she had no idea what some were even called while her body was cleaned up of any dirt, dead skin and other things that could be there, it reall...

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She was guided to strip and then enter the bath, he hair was scrubbed down first using multiple products she had no idea what some were even called while her body was cleaned up of any dirt, dead skin and other things that could be there, it really surprised her what they were doing to her right now as she was cleaned up, they all worked hard and only asked her to mover her body, her head or to stand up to get to everywhere that needed to be cleaned, once they were done cleaning her, she got out of the bath and allowed them to fully dry her from head to toe and then work on her hair and make-up before getting her dressed in a gorgeous dress.

The spirits floated away to look at her awe towards her beauty right now, she wasn't really sure about that at all to be honest but they confirmed she was "You truly are lovely in this dress my lady, please look at yourself in the mirror and you will see it too" one of them said making her look nervous towards them "I have been told so many times that I was unwanted, unloved, ugly and undesirable... How can I believe what you say is true after I was told all these things while growing up?" she asked, the spirits looked sad at her words, none of them have ever heard an omega being told these things.

In the world that Jasmine fell in, it was taboo to insult an omega or harm them in any way, if it ever happened when omega's were so rare... The one who did it was to be executed, so while it happened above... They can't punish anyone if they weren't here at the moment and didn't do it again down here, the spirits pleaded with her to go to the mirror and look at herself for them, they swore to be telling the truth "We are pixies my lady, we cannot lie no matter what... If we do then we get burn marks for the lies we spoke" the spiri- no the pixie said "But you look like a spirit to me" the omega explained making them giggle "Go to the mirror and close your eyes, then open your mind and heart to our home and you will see us for who we really are" she was told making her do so and gasped at her reflection.

 If we do then we get burn marks for the lies we spoke" the spiri- no the pixie said "But you look like a spirit to me" the omega explained making them giggle "Go to the mirror and close your eyes, then open your mind and heart to our home and you...

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She slowly walked over and placed a hand on the mirror, she was so surprised at the way she looked with her lightly curled hair and light make-up "This is... Me?" she asked making her hear confirmation and reminders of what to do, so she closes her eyes and works to open herself to the pixies and everything around her... When she opens her eyes she gasped at the purple pixie on her shoulder "See? We are not spirits but pixies, now come... The king is waiting for you" she said making her nod and follow the pixies out of the room and into a hallway, she looked around amazed by the architect of the place the whole time.

She also saw others walking by, some looked like goblins, elves, fairies, vampires and other things making her amazed to finally see them like she always hoped, a green pixie said that she could ask questions all in due time... But for now she had a diner with there king, she nodded and continued to follow the pixies until they arrived at a pair of double doors where a guard that was a cheetah demon saw them "The king is running a little late... An uninvited guest came in and demanded to speak with him and is taking his time" he said making them nod, the pixies opened the doors to Jasmine making her walk inside the beautiful dining room.

"He will be soon here, so please sit down and relax my lady" a white pixie said making her nod as they then left, she walked over to the table and sat down at one of the seats where the dishes and cutlery was set, she saw that the room was elegant...

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"He will be soon here, so please sit down and relax my lady" a white pixie said making her nod as they then left, she walked over to the table and sat down at one of the seats where the dishes and cutlery was set, she saw that the room was elegant while small and simple, she also noticed a window, it made her curious so she stood up and went to take a look outside to see where she was... Her eyes widen at the red and dark land below her lush and filled with plants and life, she had always been told that where ever the creatures she loved resided... They would live in a place filled with death and darkness.

She smiled as she saw creatures beyond her knowledge walking around greeting one another and helping one another, she never thought this would ever happen to her yet here it was right before her very eyes right now, it was all so amazing to her right now that she didn't want to move away at all from the window, she didn't even notice when the door opened behind her to let in a figure... Until she heard a male voice "I see your awake? Little omega must be starving for food and answers so let's get to it" he said making her turn to see the king she was told about.

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