The planning

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Katsuki sighed in his hot spring as he relaxed, the party was in the works and guests were confirming in coming to the event... The problem was that the boys all wanted something specific to wear for the party which angered him as he reminded each of them that he will select something from his closet for each of them to wear... And not have something made for each of them, of course there was some yelling because it wasn't fair in there opinion but in the end it was either accept what he lends them or buy yourself something to wear for the party.

"My king. Do you wish for anything else?" a servant asked making him look at the servant as he thought about it for a moment "Yes... Get me my mate" he requested making the servant nod and walk out to get Jasmine, after a while Sapphire flew in and landed near him "Hey there girl. Adjusting well to the place?" he asked making her sing a happy tune, he knew that she was happy based off the song she sang, the tunes she sings always tells him and Jasmine of her mood and they work based off that, after a while Jasmine walked in with a smile.

 Adjusting well to the place?" he asked making her sing a happy tune, he knew that she was happy based off the song she sang, the tunes she sings always tells him and Jasmine of her mood and they work based off that, after a while Jasmine walked i...

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"You wanted to see me Katsuki?" she asked as she kneeled by him, he smiled and moved to nuzzle her "How are you and the pup?" he asked making her giggle "Were both fine Katsuki... But you look drained. Did something happen?" she asked making him groan and tell her everything that happened with the boys from her class... Which greatly angered her "They just don't want to understand do they?" she asked making him take her hand to try and calm her down "They agreed in the end as they refused to buy there own outfit for the party" he explained making growl.

"That is still not a good reason to complain" she claimed making him sigh and nod in agreement, he then moved to remove her shoes and socks so she could place her feet in the warm water of his hot spring, she sighed in relief at the water once her feet were underwater and that made him happy to see her like that, Sapphire began to sing a relaxing tune making the two smile as Katsuki the pulled her into the water so he could knot her... Resulting in his omega needing to change her outfit.

She had to meet each of the girls to talk about the party and for the dresses she would lend them so she was going to need to get dry and change her clothes before meeting them in the garden at her gazebo, he offered to help her but she wanted him to relax from what happened with the boys of the class, so once in her room she cleaned off her make-up and dried her hair before redoing both and then getting dressed in another outfit for today... She didn't know how things would go though but hoped Lila won't start anything when they talk.

 She didn't know how things would go though but hoped Lila won't start anything when they talk

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