His sire's return

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It was rare for Katsuki to bring up his parents... Most of the time he tried to keep quiet about them around Jasmine but sometimes... There were things around there home that made him think of his dam and it made him talk about him, about how kind and caring he was... But then his sire would be spoken about slightly before the whole thing comes to an end, it made the omega curious so she asked the pixies about records on the previous king and queen to look into what happened to them, and while they didn't like showing them to her she at least figured out how cruel his sire was and how his dam left with Katsuki's sire once he took over... Never to return like Katsuki offered for him and only him.

It broke her heart to know he was abandoned by his dam like that... And she didn't wish it on anyone... Not even on Lila, so she began to work on trying to locate his dam, she hired some spies to try and locate him... But instead they located his sire coming to the kingdom, this resulted in her preparing for the woman's arrival while trying to figure out what happened to Masaru... And then the spies reported that they located Masaru... But he was dead, from the report she was able to understand that he was killed by Mitsuki herself, they were in a village and she discovered that he was trying to head back to Katsuki... So she killed him and the village.

She then left and slept around... Without knowing that someone survived and told the spies everything as she was burying the dead, they were currently bringing back Masaru's body to bury in the kingdom... But Jasmine wasn't going to let her get away with murdering so many, she committed a crime... A crime that she needed to be punished for doing, she was excited to reveal it all before there people when Mitsuki least expects it, she had a good amount of evidence on her crimes and was going to get the rest soon enough... And then she will end her life without a drop of regret for her, to help her husband she asked a maid to bring him to there nest and prepare him what he needs in her hot spring and to not let anyone in unless it was an emergency "And have everyone keep an eye on Mitsuki and keep me informed" she ordered and just before the maid left with Katsuki.

She gave one final order before she changed her behaviour...

"No matter what... DO NOT let her and Adrien meet before he leaves... We can't have her know that he was sold either" she said making the mod nod and leave as Jasmine then acted all bright and happy as she walked over "Excuse me everyone... But may I ask for the reason for this commotion?" she asked making them all stop, the guards bow towards her while Mitsuki looks confused for a moment... And when she looks at Jasmine she glares "Were so sorry my queen! This fool is trying to enter the castle claiming it is hers when she is not you" one guard explained making Jasmine nod and then faced Mitsuki "I would recommend you stop glaring at me... Unless you wish it to be reported to my mate Katsuki and he get's you executed for it" she hissed making Mitsuki's eyes widen and then looked towards the side.

Jasmine faintly smirked at this, it was clear that Mitsuki only came here because she was certain that Katsuki had yet to find a mate and as a result more than likely believed she could reclaim her rights to the throne... But in the end it wasn't going to happen, Katsuki married her while Mitsuki killed her mate for trying to come back to his home where Katsuki offered him to stay, she then smiled towards Mitsuki "Due to the fact that I don't know you I sadly need to ask you to leave the area for now until I can speak to my mate about meeting with you... Sadly we are busy for the next few days so i'll have someone come fetch you when were able to see you" she said making Mitsuki look at her and slowly nod while looking pale.

She was clearly scared of Jasmine, which made sense as she learned how to show people to fear her even though she is a human, she doesn't show this side of her much as everyone respects her... Except the people who believed Lila of course, but now things were better... She had a lovely mate and her adorable daughter Yumeko, she didn't need a heartless and greedy mother-in-law or toxic friends who believe a liar over the truth... So instead she will get rid of the bad people who try to come and ruin her life and make them lose everything they love, this will make her need to keep an eye on everyone of course as she isn't on the surface anymore... But that didn't mean she couldn't do much, but with her gone for now... She walked back inside to go to her husband and mate who more than likely was in her hot spring at the moment, and maid informed her that Izuku was currently watching over Yumeko so she smiled and walked into the hot spring.

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